I have no idea what what else to call today's post.
I fell ill shortly after waking up today so the rest of my day has been trying. My room's a trash-hole that is driving me insane and I wanted to tackle it today and get some reading done and most of my dad was spent trying to re-hydrate and just rest in bed. Wonderful.
Good news is that FMIL finally got her Cricut Create in! It's been a month since she got her raincheck and we were kind of tired of them not really trying to order one and making up excuses as to why it hadn't come in yet while they had tons of Expressions and baby bugs coming in. So, we requested that they find a sister store that had one in stock and have it sent over. Aaand they did! Hooray. So she made a card by herself with it, under supervision by me. :P It's cute.
Now I really want to spray paint mine. Lol. We'll see. I have a few more things being sent in soon that I may want to include in that process.
Remember that storm I wrote about not too long ago? Well, because of it, there have been all sorts of creepy crawlies making their way inside. /shudder. Ugh! I've killed about 6 of the bugs that look like the ones that attach at the butt when they're mating. Kitty spotted a nasty looking spider that was possibly our brown spider, the SW version of the brown recluse. He's really good at not attacking crawlies that should not be messed with but still keeping an eye on it until we are aware of the situation. Today, the SO spotted a decent sized scorpion inside the house and within the past hour found what is either a wolf spider or a baby tarantula in the house. This is on top of the baby tarantula from three days ago. Hooray, desert.
I have to get back to my appointment with my bed now, see you tomorrow!
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