So, not only has my tummy been grumbling, but the skies were too. It was a bumpy ride but not nearly as bad as the worst turbulence I've experienced. For this, I am super grateful. Especially after hearing some fellow passengers think that what we experienced was bad.
But wonder of wonders: my whole family was able to see me off! :D That was nice and totally unexpected by us too. Lol, I had to repack my bags twice because my mom kept giving me stuff to bring back.
The SO was able to pick me up from the airport and took me out to dinner. ^_^ Ha ha, we had Viet food of all things. But it was cheap, quick, easy, and good food.
We got back to the house so I could start to unpack and show everyone the goodies I returned with. In the midst of that, I noticed presents by my room that ended up being for me from the family and Santa!
Let's totally pretend that I have a fully functioning brain that took pictures of all the presents I got when in fact, I have yet to. Sounds good? Lol.

Stocking stuffers: An LED flashlight that we use constantly, orange Tic Tacs that I chug like candy, and Mountain Dew flavored lip balm. Plus, some oh so yummy chocolate because I'm such a fattie like that. :D

I forgot to take a picture of the vintage style Mountain Dew tee but I did get this awesome Mario shirt! My only wonder is where is Princess Peach and Daisy? Whatever, the girls are kind of dumb in this franchise anyways, lol. Isn't it too perfect that I just borrowed my brother's Super Mario Party 8 for the Wii for us to play together here? It was fate!

And this!! A Walmart exclusive teal Cricut Expression! It was such a huge surprise and everyone pitched in to get me one. Needless to say, I was in disbelief and speechless. It came with two special cartridges and I think that it is an absolutely stunning and gorgeous piece of machinery. And the buttons even light up in blue! UGH! How perfect is that?!
If this isn't good karma, I don't know what is. LOL. I am just so stunned even now. Everyone knows I've been coveting an Expression for quite some time and controlling myself and then falling in love when they announced the Teal one for Black Friday this past year. Darn you, WM, for having pretty goods! This way, I get to have my cake and eat it too! I am beyond excited, lol. Can't thank everyone enough, I am going to have so much fun this year in terms of crafting. Now if I can only get the rest of my life to work out that way. XD What a wonderful way to end a nice vacation.

This is Kitty, the family dog aka my baby sister, back at my folks.
I do miss my family and friends but I'm experiencing new things and meeting wonderful people and that's what growing up and exploring my horizons is all about. I hope you're wrapping up your holiday season on a good note. See you tomorrow. <3
I love that Cricut! You really are going to have a blast with that one! :) You'll have to show off some of the amazing projects you do!