I shall rewind a little bit so I can remember the good times for a little while! :P There were not as many Halloween decorations as I thought there would be, but that's okay. The cats have surprisingly ignored them all. The snacks were fun to make, especially because they wouldn't have won any beauty pageants but tasted delicious!
I don't think I've posted a craft project in a little while, so I'm going to grab the pictures from the workshop I taught!

Part of a display I set up, mostly projects from previous workshops and new techniques I tried out.

No layers, just the card base on this Halloween themed card using the masking technique.

Halloween-inspired paper rose.

Made using an ornament punch.

Very simple but time-consuming to make, but I still love them.

These are FMIL's projects. We had enough supplies so that everyone could make one of each color.
There's sour cream treat boxes filled with candy for Halloween, an apple cider slider pouch for November, and luminarias for the Christmas season that I had battery-operated tealight candles for everyone.
I was happy that I got a snapshot of everyone's completed projects because I always love seeing how differently they turned out despite having access to the same supplies. FMIL and I had plenty of time before our event and before the next to relax a little bit and prepare, it was so great. There were more than half a dozen home-baked goodies at the birthday party. Very interesting combinations and yummy.
Today, I needed to let off some steam so I worked a bit in the garden thinning out more of the herbs (so sad!), doing some light weeding, and planting some bell pepper seedlings. We were all so surprised at the um... spawn rate? I know there's a special gardening term for it. Germination rate? Ugh, I can't remember right now. Anyways, I really did not expect there to be twenty or more seedlings vying for attention from the seeds I scooped out of the bell pepper fruits into tiny plastic pots. I chose three of each, planted them, and am re-using the old tomato cages.
The weather has officially been autumn beautiful lately.
I also went for a walk around the neighborhood. I haven't done that since I've moved here and it's not the friendliest of activities to do in terms of sidewalks and critters but I'm glad I did it. Sort of. I may have forgotten to change out of my flip flops into sneakers, gotten lost, had my cell almost die on me, and walk further than expected without any water. I'm a certifiable genius, I know. I did see a coyote crossing the street not too far away from where I was trying to taking pictures of the landscape. Maybe I'll plan out a more user-friendly route next time. It was a nice practice attempt at clearing my head.
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