Three parties in three days and now we don't have any formal plans for the rest of the holiday season. As weird as that is for someone like me who is used to being booked solid, I don't mind it nearly as much this year.
Well, I went from being a bit brain-dead to a whirlwind of activity with heading into work on Friday, which was the last day for the kids. We made latkas and ornaments with the kids for them to take home to celebrate the holidays. Got home, changed for the staff party and whipped up another batch of cake pops to bring to the home of the hosting coworkers.
I friggin' love their remodeled home. It is so cozy, quirky, and perfect for entertaining. I want my own dream home to feel like that one day. It's inspirational. The catered food was from a Mexican restaurant that I really like and with the dessert selection, I was in heaven and the rough day in class was very much worth the reward. Good food makes for one happy girl.
The next day, the SO and I crammed in some more holiday errands before heading to a family friend's home for a graduation party for their daughter. This also had good catered Mexican food and yummy cake. She has two ferrets, so I did a little research and found out about crocheting a cover over plastic Easter eggs filled with different dried pastas. You can put other things to jingle and rattle in there, but with the very likely chance that they will have way too much fun with the toys and annihilate them, pasta is pretty safe for them to accidentally ingest. So... that's what I did, lol. I used different amounts and shapes to alter the sound and provide a little extra stimulation because those creatures are so cunning, clever, and curious like that.
Yesterday, it was pretty much get up, get ready, pack the car, and go. Our last party for the weekend/ season was up in the Phoenix-Metro area and that could sometimes be a 2.5 hour drive is the traffic is crazy, but it was the usual 1.5 hours to get there. This dinner was very different in that it was a family friend who had helped sponsored my mother and aunt to come to the States from a refugee camp back in the eighties. She's a wonderful lady with an eclectic collection of people in her life that we got to meet and chat it up with. Many people knew of my mother and aunt there and it was pretty cool for me and them to see/ for me to be my mother's twenty-something years old daughter. Man, what can happen in a few years time or over a lifetime.
That's been really interesting about this holiday season. The SO and I have been increasingly reclusive (although we can be pretty darn sociable) but we decided to break away from the monotony that this rough time in our lives has brought on and tackle these very social events and chat it up with all sorts of people. That's something that we really enjoy doing in our own quirky ways and it was very cool to get back in touch with that part of our personalities and indulge in a bit of grown-up holiday mayhem again. It was really fun, in a chaotic way, to get all dressed up together. With this practice, by the time that becomes normal for us, we'll have it down to a second-nature science. I can't wait to be that couple going through that part of our lives. You know, before we start a family and it all goes out the window. XD
Now, for some hardcore recovering. I've already gotten started on making a gift stash to help save my sanity and here are some pictures from the past few days:

Snow-capped mountains as of late.

One of the trees the coworkers have around their beautiful home. This one is white because we put all of our White Elephant gifts underneath.

The Oreo Truffle Cake Pops I made for the staff at school. With grateful hand-stamped and Cricut-cut tags. Not the cutest, but being in baggies made it so very festive.

The final batch of the holiday-party season. I've gotten much better at it! I tend to use different candy coating colors or sprinkles for chocolate verses vanilla flavors.
Hm. I think my beloved bed beckons me now. I'll see you soon. <3
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