Corned beef with dressing, rye bread, potato chips, and sauerkraut is the traditional dinner for this holiday at the household. The technology upgrades have been going well after many speed bumps. FMIL and I took a trip to the big local nursery and explored nearly the entire grounds. It's huge! It was fascinating to see and learn about so many plants. We also ran errands and... well, it'll be some time before I'll start, let alone show, my next new project. : ) Our local college basketball team not only didn't make it into the main tournament, but lost their first game in a subsequent tournament. At home too, of all places. It's definitely lessened our enthusiasm about the remainder of the teams. I have to admit, my mind is a bit jumbled with the new slew of tasks that have come up on top of the rest of the projects I've been trying to wrap up but I probably just need to catch up on rest.

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