Thankfully, it was the last day of testing for my group of kids. They found it bittersweet, lol. I guess I can still be considered a fun person despite bringing down the hammer at times. They're good kids that had a lot of sense. Whether or not they listened to that voice inside is another matter. XD Either way, I hope they did well.
Did my best to earn my keep and helped out a couple of classrooms while figuring out my schedule for next week. The end of the school year brings a new level of madness that's almost too much to handle and yet, this staff handles it time after time. I really admire that quality they share. I'm in increasingly high demand now. Found templates for class projects, made so many copies, and completed another visual PEC schedule for another new student. That's the fifth new student from that class in the past two and a half weeks! Insanity, right? It happens every year!
I have been so scatterbrained this week too. At least I'm not the only one. We know the names of nearly all of the students that we see so often, but there is some force in the universe that finds enjoyment in having us fumble monikers left and right. Luckily, we often can figure out what's up thanks to context clues and being on the same wavelength during a brain fart. XP I have also been leaving my things all over the school- not uncharacteristic, honestly- but I would remember and go back and get it right away. Nope, I would leave it in some unknown location and not realize it until 2-3 tasks later. I'm very lucky that my butt is attached. O_o.
My favorite accomplishment for today was joining the ranks of the selected few who know how to load the laminator. I have really needed it for various projects I'm doing for a few teachers and it unexpectedly ran out. The office manager hunted down the old machine, stole the film off of it, and I figured out how to put that onto the current hardware. This piece of equipment and I have this special bond and we chatted up a storm today. I got some quiet "me" time after school and off the clock while I was volunteering to keep working. There's a binder next to me right now that I'm eyeballing. It's a continuation of said work.
This weekend is going to be media-filled and I can't wait! It's also may reach 99 degrees this weekend and that is way too early for that kind of nonsense. I have things to do and don't want to be burnt to a crisp doing them! Where is our spring?! Then it's back into the fray for another crazy week. XD Need to cram in as much positive "me" time as possible this weekend in order to refuel. That may result in sleeping a ton. Probably not.
Anyways, I should have something fun to share soon enough!

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