However, it's all done and over with now and I had to keep telling myself that there was no point in expending so much energy in getting angry and I had to remember my core feelings on the matter, which were positive.
The only one that really gets the short end of the stick are me, closely followed by those that I actually care deeply about, so there is really no point. Have to keep telling myself that. Over and over again. Often. Lol.
The man who's been the personality of Count von Count on Sesame Street, Jerry Nelson, recently passed away along with the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. It's so odd to hear the names that you grew up with dying and I'm not even middle aged yet. I don't want to think of what the future has in store for similar matters.
I also don't want to keep worrying so much about the impending Tropical Storm Isaac that has shut down the schools on Monday in my home county. Even though they are beginning to prepare themselves as if it may escalated with their Hurricane parties, I still can't help but pray for their safety.
There was a going away dinner for one of the brothers tonight. He's heading to the Bay area for new school adventures, so FMIL and I set up a collage poster of his kitty cat. The fat striped cat is going to live with another brother in his new place. That brother was not able to make it to dinner tonight due to a health scare with his girlfriend. It was a flurry of activity to be sure.
I am getting pages done for scrapbooking, so I've been fulfilling that goal. However, I just want to do more! Got to get back to the grind.

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