Especially for running on near minimum hours, lol.
The kids are becoming ever more enthusiastic of catching and studying insects during recess and being able to record their observations in the book I made for them last week. Their attention to detail makes me so happy!
The impending holiday season if really lighting a fire under my keister (if you haven't been able to tell with me mentioned it every day now). Maybe because it touches upon my insecurities by being the one time of the year that I feel like a competent and productive adult member of society.
I started writing up that schedule for myself, but while we observe our kitty's recovery, I won't start that up again in earnest until next week.
I'm trying out a few new yarn patterns for quick gift ideas and I cannot wait to show you the end results! That is assuming that I'll be patient enough to see the tougher parts through 'til the end versus sitting in a pile of unraveled string about to scream.
I want to plan a little ladies get-together for card-making too. Handmade card sets have been great for me, but I could always use more! Plus, it would be so much fun to prep snacks for my friends and have them delve into my mounds of crafting supplies. Goodness knows that I have enough to use up!
I don't like to collect it with the intention of never using it. No longer will I wait around for the "perfect" project either! Results are what matters!

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