Tuesday: I don't remember too much from this day other than being pretty tired and reminding myself that the next day was going to be my Wednesday-Friday. I haven't scrapbook, organized, or kept up with anything. This was probably the last day that I remember for 100% having my little digital camera.
Yes, I turned the house upside-down, am praying that I didn't lose it at school, and am still freaking out. It is only about three years old, I had some video clips of school stuff and not a ton of pictures on there (I've been pretty good at uploading them to my computer every three days) but I'm in no place to get a new one right now. It especially stings because I've had a renewed passion to document life (even the cruddy parts) now. Hope it turns up soon.
Wednesday: Since it's been a short work week due to the Rodeo being in town, I dressed up for the last day. I had my cowboy hat that I got from my first trip to the event two years ago and wore boots with a western-style shirt a friend gave to me before she moved out of state. We've not done much of our official work in class and today was no exception. At the end of the day, we ended up making Ooobleck Slime (corn starch and water)! To really cinch how memorable the day was- it SNOWED!
We had warnings that there was going to be a blizzard in town and it hasn't really snowed in town in a few years. We got about two inches even though it would melt significantly every few hours. I frolicked when I got home. It was so pretty and just enough for small snowballs. That also killed me not to have my camera to record. Sigh. I did beg the SO for his cell phone to take pictures!

The SO took this while I was at school still. It had been snowing for about an hour.

I may have called him and begged him to take pictures while my hands were covered in slime.

I took this one of my garden after coming home. Yeah, it's been this sad even before the snow.

The desert is white! It doesn't take much with me, lol.

It had started to melt but then began snowing again when we went to bed. This is what it looked like early the next morning. By late afternoon, it had all melted.
All I wanted to do was catch up on sleep, but I was way too excited and just hung out with the SO and friends online.
Thursday: Was able to sleep in a ton and did some freelance social media management for a friend. I actually a few days ago. My friend's book came in the mail a day early and I was so excited! That pretty much sums that up.
Friday: Still dying a little inside for my camera. I'm fretting quite a bit. I hope to start learning to cook again soon. More social media management work is heading my way today. Hopefully, I get to reap some benefits of my labor and play soon.
I still hope to do some gardening this weekend. I'm going back and forth on wanting to scrapbook, just feel like a part of me is missing (sad, I know) without my little friend to help me remember the everyday moments.

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