Monday: Jeez, it's April now. Gotta get back on track for the goals I wanted to accomplish this year. I took some kids I was babysitting to the movies and saw "Wreck-It-Ralph" and loved the junk out of it!
Afterwards, I sent a care package to my best friend and one to my cousins containing a physical copy of the infamous FL scrapbook. Wrapped up the evening by helping another friend convert an old office into a bedroom for one of her sons. It was the last day of Spring Break.
Tuesday: School started again that is what it is. We got the car back from the shop and of course there's a laundry list of issues to prioritize and address. I got to catch up with my brother and my mom and that was great as usual.
I am really looking forward to visiting this summer and those plans are starting to come together. I'm diligently working little by little on my Project Life. I'm on May 2012 right now and it's an extensive set of pages because that involved my last trip to Florida.
Wednesday: I wrote about what happened the day of, so you can check that out. : )
Thursday: Got home late from work, so I was mentally worn out. Caught up on YouTube subscriptions and tried out POP Pilates by Blogilates. Barely made it through the first few seconds without quivering, but getting into shape is something I'd like to start tackling. My middle is feeling way too squishy for comfort now and I have little to no upper body strength anymore. It's gotten pathetic.
Friday: During errands today, I ended up buying a new yoga mat. My original one is back in Florida and this one came with a foam brick, belt, and DVD for beginners like me. After trying to use a beach towel on the floor last night, this sounded like a much better idea. At least I know how to work on doing power (aerobic) yoga and can start there.
Saturday: I'm all about watching a video game streamer, Lethal Frag do his weekly cooking broadcast right now. Once I'm feeling better again, I'm going to practice more basic cooking skills again. The household's pantry areas are getting a little out of hand and nothing is being used because it cannot be easily found under the rubble.
Sunday: It's nice to listen to that for future motivation and Hank & Katherine Green (Vlogbrothers) play Super Mario Bros. for the Wii while steadily working on my Project Life. I'm happy to report that I'm already working on August 2012! That's the third quarter of the year and so close! I'm squealing and screaming with delight. Just so proud of myself.
I was feeling super discouraged by what I felt was not enough progress, but realized that I'm moving much faster with this scrapbook to date. A ton of time is being covered in a relatively short amount of time and that's something great! I'll be working on previous years in no time!
Oh wait, that suddenly doesn't sound like a good thing, lol.
Self, it is a good thing because you want to get as many memories as possible recorded. Then, you'll probably feel comfortable scrapbooking about the current year.
I can feel my anxiety rising. :P

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