Sunday, May 12

Slow Sunday

To steal from my FB:  

Happy Mother's Day to anyone who has stepped it up to wipe the noses, hug the tears away, share proud moments, and love unconditionally without being asked.

Not posting a picture from the 80's/90's of my mom because she's not on FB and would just as quickly take me out of this world as she brought me into it. 

I know plenty women who either don't have children of their own or are mothers to children that are not theirs, then there are the dads who have stepped up to the plate and learned to braid a little girl's hair or sing bedtime stories to their kids on their own. They need to be recognized for being the nurturing parent everyone needs.

Thursday: I've had a lazy-mentally stressed out week the moment that I get home from work, so I don't remember doing much this week. Plus, I was feeling well the day before so my to-do list fell by the wayside. I did, however, manage to shoot a garden update!

Things are hanging in there! Right after I took the footage, I went through and snipped off those infected leaves and flower buds. 

Friday: Super not much done besides rest. We ran the usual errands and I am hoping to cook a few things in the next couple of days. I've talked to my brother a lot this past week because he's in between classes right now. He and my dad went on his first cruise this weekend. 

More social media management work, it's been a rough week for them. I did get to Skype for a long time with my best friend! It's been a while and she's about to do some traveling and it may be super hard for us to see each other during that time, so we're cramming it in now.

Saturday: This was pretty much the same besides the fact that I actually managed to sleep in. I'm really lacking the motivation-energy to scrapbook or even catch-up with my YT subscriptions. I wonder what's going on with my head/body. I did get to spend a lot of R&R time with the SO and kitty. It was nice to have all of the cuddles.

Sunday: It's been a quiet and laid back day. I was on Skype dates again and getting ready to go out later. I have a bit more energy today and am tidying/organizing odds and ends. 

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