Then the kitties got to play outside for a little bit! a few of us hung out because the weather has finally stopped being so windy/ cold and start being beautiful! So we supervised and encouraged the little monster to climb some low trees (he doesn't do Up well) and out normally quite... reserved kitty to be all: Rawr! I'm a wild jungle cat. Good thing that the trees in the front are pretty much all twigs and branches, we can pluck them whenever we want. They had a blast and were pretty tuckered out for the rest of the day! People were coming in and out of the house all day as we prepped to bunker down tomorrow for the holiday and they were pretty passed out most of the time. Big blessing, lol. I actually don't have pictures of them playing because it was quite spur of the moment and I had to play chaperon/ wrangler. They absolutely loved rolling around on the ground in the shade right in front of the door. Go figure. "Pleeease, let us out! We want to smell like Outside!"
We got the dining area all cleared and cleaned for tomorrow's Easter lunch, did a good amount of spring cleaning, added a standing lamp that was being stored in the garage to light up an area that hasn't had it's own working light in, from what I gather, years. Quite refreshing. By the time we decided we had done enough for today, dinner in the form of yummy local pizza came! That's one thing I love about this town: "It's the biggest small town you'll find." I love the friendliness of many of the people, even their crabbiness isn't as bad as what I've seen in other states (and that's the everyday normal attitude!) and how they really try to encourage local commerce and talent and such. There are significant amounts of Mom&Pop shops and I love it. I get tired of having nothing but franchises and chains. Sure, they can be convenient and cheap, but sometimes you just was good, old-fashioned, tried and true, homemade-homegrown stuff and service. When you have to try time and time again to find it to little to no avail, we have a problem.
We got to use the "newly renovated" dining area and it worked beautifully! Then SO's mom and I got into our heads that we should decorate egg-shaped sugar cookies with dyed frosting. Well... Martha Stewart put the idea into my head and the instructions with pictures in my hands. SO's mom tried out some techniques in her classroom before they let out for spring break and she brought the leftover frosting home. We had a blast. We also had so much of a blast that all the boys of the house stayed awaaaay from the kitchen after dinner, lol. They just knew that we would tease and prod and puppy eye and pester until they helped/ contributed.
On a side note: Yay, Duke! Quite a game! Lol.
Anywho. We also prepped eggs to be dyed tomorrow because while recounting past holiday traditions and stories, a visiting friend said she really missed dyeing eggs with her boys (who are now more than grown). So... we brought out our supplies and are hoping to half surprise her tomorrow! Yay girl crafting time, lol. I hope all the scheduling works out. I haven't done it in a few years either! We switched to using plastic eggs after one year of not remembering where a few were hidden in the backyard :( That was probably a My-Bad. I get so caught up trying to find hiding spots so all the kids we babysat had a equal chance of finding a bunch and were occupied long enough... whew.
Here's the super fun part for you guys! (Can you tell I've been licking the leftover frosting today? :P) Pictures of the finished Easter egg cookies!

A few close-ups! We're equal holiday-ists. :D

That's is a whole lot of cookies. :O I don't think we really thought about that. Not many of us around here are all that big on sweets, let alone a ton of them. Of course, I am not referring to myself. P: Mmm... /drool. Oh, and of course we didn't get all fancy and designer-y until we had already decorated 70% of the cookies with dollops that were supposed to my dots and squiggly lines. Well, now we know better for next year! Mine are most of the ones that involved faces. Lol, so hard to guess, right? XD Can't wait to devour all the goodies we've gotten today tomorrow, but yes, I do acknowledge that Jesus is the reason for the season. And "Psh!" to anyone to says that's only for Christmas. I will be very appreciative to be spending tomorrow with good company and many blessings- most of which are good food.
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