So, I got to play all I wanted with it! I love it. Absolutely love it. It = my brand spankin' new Cricut cartridge called "Create a Critter" (Click on the 'Images' tab for a sneak peak!)! It's almost exactly my cutesy simplistic style with tons of animals and accessories and potential. I've been explaining how I've loved this cart as if it were my unborn child and that it has just arrived today! Hooray! I am so set die-cut-wise for some time now. Yes, there are other cartridges that I have my eye on (same dealio), and I would have a ton more if money were not an issue, but having all of these animals is a dream come true for me. Pairing it with my "Everyday Paper Dolls" (mhm) cart gives me tons of ideas and free reign over most projects I can think to do this summer. This is especially the case with any school-related projects I may want to prepare.
I met a new contact today that gave me great info that insinuated that I may have a dream job this fall! The earliest I thought I might find one was going to be next spring so this is mind-blowing news too. I just had a pretty darn good day today. It has reminded me that hard work and effort really does pay off every now and then. While at school today, since the kids were relatively calm, I was able to crank out a mini-craft project:

Oh! And my little do-dads and habitat pictures I mentioned yesterday were laminated today! I feel so... legit (? lol) to have my work preserved like that, ha ha!
Well, I think I can promise some pictures tomorrow of some of my Cricut craftiness. I'm going a little card-making crazy because I have been dying to lately! And I'm greatly exaggerating the craftiness part because I know I have barely begun to scratch the surface of what I could do with the tools that I have already accumulated. Man, I wish it was easier for me to learn more. I've hit a point that creatively and mentally, I just need some in-person guidance. I'm working on finding it now, but I'm pretty impatient. Well, more so than usual. :P
Alrighty, until tomorrow! Can't wait to show you! <3
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