Woke up pretty early so my mom could performing miracles/ emergency makeovers/ damage control. Whatever you want to call it. Lol. Got a bunch of my hair lopped off. It feels shorter than I ever remember having it in the past... oh man, maybe ten years? Different kind of shape and bounce to it. I do like it, I just really didn't pay attention to anything she was doing while cut it. Lol. Usually, I give some input or I ask enough questions to figure out the direction she's going with, but not today! So, I feel like I'm some sort of experimental test dummy for some of the things my mom has tried. Like a guinea pig. :P I have gotten a grand total of two haircuts this past year (not including today's) that were at the hands of someone else. It has been really freaky. My mom has cut, dyed, and styled my hair since she gave birth to me. Well, not at that exact moment, but I'm sure if she wanted it, she would have managed it. XD Super mom-woman she is. Me sound Yoda like yes. :P
Quick eyebrow-scaping was done. I don't know if I was that tired or what, but I did not feel the hot wax today in the slightest. Being a girl sucks! Why would we think of pouring hot wax onto our skin to forcibly rip out our hair by it very roots? We say it's for boys, but I swear it's to be girl-pretty. Guy-pretty is so much more natural when it comes down to it. I love being guy-pretty. That's something that I feel that I can handle managing on my own. Girl-pretty is beyond my powers. I need outside forces to descend upon me like locusts. Locusts with fairy godmother arsenals. Mom always half-jokes that "Beauty knows no pain!" and "No pain no gain!" My response has almost always been "All you gain is pain!! Beauty = Pain!!" To which she laughs before doing something hurtful to me. XD Never mess with a woman who has a pair of tweezers/ hot wax strips/ scissors/ cosmetic pencil/ bleach and/or dye chemicals in her hands.
We didn't manage to squeeze in the quick mani-pedi before we all had to get ready for church. Our new home church is now an hour away. :( We've never been that far away before, but this looks to be the first permanent home for our parish so I guess it's good in that aspect. I borrowed one of my mom's new sundresses from Ann Taylor (ooh fancy!) and sat with my brother and the two family friends that had shot fireworks with us on the Fourth. I snagged some video clips of the mass to show the SO and his family back in the AZ because I think ours are pretty darn different.
Said my hellos and did the Q&A dance with the parents of many of my childhood church friends and that was fun. Received lots of comments that I guess were positive overall. Lol. Pretty big plus. Afterward, a few of the families went out for dinner at a local restaurant where I, of course, still sat at The Kid Table. I came to the conclusion several years ago that I would be placed at the kid table at my own wedding if the parents had anything to do with it. It's fine, I don't eat their food or talk about their topics all that often. Us kids do our best to have a darn good (occasionally destructive) time. Today, we just chatted about flirting and pick up lines/ techniques and, especially with my cough, almost died laughing. I really was crying at one point. I think the best line from today was:
"I can't play the field! You can't play the field when you got no game!"
I absolutely Died. So much so that the parents stopped their shenanigans and usual raucous conversation and laughter to look at me smacking into the wall I was sitting next to, in tears from laughing. Such a true and honest statement. XD Teenagers are hilarious. I'm glad I've matured just enough to realize and appreciate this. Yes, even though I am solidly not in my teens, I'm still in a little denial. Just a little. Micro-denial? Lol. I'm a goof. Always will be. :P I can't wait to have kids of my own to embarrass the crap out of! Ha ha!
I still can't believe that every time I feel really close to being over this little illness, it likes to come back and punch me in the throat. By the time we wound down at home, I felt drained. Maybe I put a lot more energy into having coughing fits as quietly as possible than I thought. So, I rested (ugh, I never rest this much when I should!) because I just want this to be completely gone already and watched a few crafting videos to keep my brain busy. Apparently, I can't be left alone with a big box of any flavored Tic-Tacs though... I've almost devoured this container of Wintergreen that my mom threw at me to keep handy in my purse this morning. :( Oops! Darn things are addictive. I eat them faster than candy! Dangit, I popped one in as I wrote that... >_> Whoops... I think they need to go away now. Or I can finish them off and say I don't know what happened to them... but then I might not get any more. Then again, I shouldn't get any more anyways. Erm... Ahh! *Tosses pack out of room* XD My brother is going to be so confused when he finds it at his door across the way. XD
Tomorrow should be a really early and really long day. My brother has his Freshman Orientation and it's a two-day (with an option for over-nighting) event! Or should I say ordeal? When he told me how early it started, my immediate response was, "That was such a hurtful thing to say to me! How could you do that to me?" Lol. I totally mean the hurtful part, but it has been something I've talked and volunteered to tag along with for the better part of a month now. But why is it so early?! And so long? T_T Do you think they will mind if I just crawl into the car tomorrow in my pj's, sleep in the backseat on the way there, and then drudge around campus with a pillow? What am I talking about? It's college! They half expect some crap like that. I was just there!! Lmao. It's so so so incredibly tempting. But I don't like that whole pajama bottom thing in public. You made the effort to roll out of bed, the least you can do it change clothes. Or, better yet, where your clothes the night before if you don't want to bother changing in the morning. XD Boy, do I amuse myself.
Well, if I survive the tours, I should see you tomorrow! Thanks again for tuning in! <3
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