Maybe I'm just not a movie person, which is weird because I thought I enjoyed them. The SO had his own mini movie marathon today and I didn't watch a single movie all the way through. I think the line up was 2012, Star Trek, and Transformers 2. I've seen all of them all the way through at least once... as if that's any consolation. Idk, I think I'm just really bad at watching movies. Always have, always will be, I guess. All of my friends from church and school growing up can firmly attest to this fact. It's really disappointing and hurtful to their movie-loving souls. Hm, I should figure that out. It's really not because I have much against any of these things either, I usually come in with a pretty open mind and not many expectations for any movie.
Sigh, anywho. I'm apparently still very much on Eastern Standard Time, much to my chagrin. I get so bored during the summer when I'm awake all these extra hours! What am I supposed to do with myself if laundry, dishes, and basic cleaning are all done and people are still sleeping? Go nuts and try to occupy myself with the internet I guess. I did an okay job of that today. During my hunt for stimuli I did end up finding out a little more about one of Provocraft's latest projects!
The Craft & Hobby Association (CHA) is currently hosting their Summer Convention & Trade Show in Illinois and there are a ton of new items and lines being debuted! Ugh! I would love to go someday. I mentioned it because a few bloggers that I follow have been bursting with excitement over the new *drumroll* Cricut Imagine! Long story short: it looks like a high tech Cricut Expression, it prints and cuts images!, it will still use existing cartridges and sync up well with the Gypsy. Little cellphone video clips are starting to pop up everywhere so you can look it up yourself. :P I'm not going to become responsible for any misinformation! Not it! Mmm... instead of cutting out multiple layers in different colors, you should be able to digitally choose the colors and some patterns for different parts of your cut/ printed image. Fancy, fancy stuff. I personally like piecing together everything just so I feel that I'm still doing some handiwork. When we eventually see the price tag of it, I'll probably like doing it the "old"-fashioned way quite a bit more, lol.
The end of July must really be convention season! CHA, Comic-con, Stampin' Up, and Thirty-One? Good gravy! I guess it's a good time since the kids are almost back to school and last minute summer vacation leftover budgets are burning a hole in people's pockets.
Before I pass out from stupid time changes:

This is my furry baby sister face-planting for a nap.

Sinking clouds! Please let it rain!

Awesome view right from the back yard.

We ended up getting rain today!
That's all for today! See you tomorrow! <4-1
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