I'm a bit of a bum lately and have slacked off a bit with uploading pictures from my camera to my computer. However, you are in luck today! Okay, maybe not that exciting, lol.
We had a handful of the neighborhood children stop by our house tonight and we did manage to carve some pumpkins. I may have been a bit ambitious in the design seeing as how I'm still pretty new at jack o' lantern making. Despite having a few of the old tools break on us and the local Walgreens being sold out of new kits... here are the results in no particular order thanks to the new photo uploader from Blogger)!

A "Boo", ghost with a bat, scaredy cat, traditional jack o' lantern, and one made by the kids in the class. We used battery-operated candles that flickered when turned on. Fun fun! I've always painted small ones growing up and I can see why my mom aimed me in this direction with how messy the activity is, how quickly these things seem to grow moldy and rotten, and just the thought of a younger me with sharp objects... Heck, me now with sharp objects. I became a tad... over enthusiastic earlier and may have taken a small chunk out of my left pinky finger. It doesn't hurt at all and I would not have noticed I had done it if I had not happened to glance at the wound.
And I was right, we ate a lot of the candy we had left over as we waited in vain for more trick or treaters to come knocking at our door. I'm just glad that the commotion seemed to stave off the large packs of javelina that we have been seeing come around the streets every night now. They are really large, smelly, and recklessly brave beasts. The issue was even addressed it on the news after we got all of the football out of the way, lol. That was fun to watch too.
I can't wait to have my own place where I can start my own traditions incorporating all of the ones I've picked up on over the years. Yeah, having my own family is somewhere in there too. Lol. And that part can wait a while, I promise. Baby steps. No pun intended. :P
I hope I can make myself fall asleep tonight with all of the sugar I've had, ha ha! See you tomorrow. <3