It may be a slightly different manifestation of those feelings that I wrote about a few days ago, but let's not question it too much. :P
Starting working again on the various digital scrapbooks I have put on the back burner.
It's becoming increasingly frustrating dealing with and trying to make up for my laptop's shortcomings. At one point, a desktop/ new laptop was on top of my list to save for... and then life happened. Lol. It's just the way it goes and that's just not in the cards for now.
I have programs and my still fairly new graphics tablet that should make this worlds easier, except my laptop physically can't run half of this stuff. Just like the integrated video card can't run the Diablo 3 demo, let alone the game, and how trying to play the Sims 3 is like playing a weird slideshow with no mouse pointer. Sigh.
So I still can't edit the pictures the way I'd like and they really need help, lol. Yes, there are back ways but that's at least twenty extra steps per photo and that's not streamline at all. I really hope that one day I can just slap a half decent layout together. Maybe then I'll catch up. Of course, that totally won't happen if I've started a family by then. XD
I don't think I know where I was going to go with this. It started when I picked up a few new digital scrapbooking supplies. Very cute, bright, and summer-y. Click on those words to have a peek of the collection I shopped from. I have been so good with sticking with my collection lately but these were perfect for my recent Florida pictures and 50% off and... well, I should stop trying to justify it to myself. Lol, what's done is done.

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