My family finally opened their presents tonight and my folks loved their Florida scrapbook. My mom also asked for another one so my relatives in Germany can have a tangible version for themselves. Lol, I hope the supplies come in soon.
I'm going to back up my data again soon on the new external hard drive they sent me, I'm saving the cell phone and memory card for a rainy day that I hope never comes, some nice holiday tops, and some earrings that my mom is no longer using. I also got a pair of pretty earrings from my cousin in Germany.

My new baby.

My updated earring collection. The swirly shell-like earrings in the upper middle are from my cousin. The big chandelier earrings in white, pink, and crystals are from my mom. The tear-drops at the bottom, red spheres on the left in the middle, and the peacocks in the upper right are also from her. I'm glad to have more colors!
For Christmas here, I got a gift card to a local yarn shop, tons of candy, a fun tee, and a mini book of recipes. We kept the tradition of tossing the wrapping paper at each other after each gift was opened and opening presents one at a time with the youngest going first. We had a little one celebrating with us this year, so she super appreciated that rule.

I love breakfast foods and FMIL teased about how this is more of a present for everyone because I'll probably cook tons of breakfasts and brunches for everyone while trying these out. I kept oogling the pictures during the rest of the unwrapping of presents.

My adorable new shirt! It has lace detailing on the top and the rest of the print has a lace pattern to it. I cannot wait to wear it on my next trip to Disney! I'm still amused by how nice it is to get clothes for gifts as an adult.
To make this slightly less about the items, here's a tag video from YouTube:
1. Do you start Christmas Shopping on Black Friday or wait until the last minute?
Neither! I did look at a few things on Black Friday, but some I had already started to buy earlier.
2. If you could be in any Christmas movie, what would it be?
2. If you could be in any Christmas movie, what would it be?
I don't have a particular favorite... but I have liked some specials from my favorite cartoon shows, like the Animaniacs movie.
3. Which do you like better: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
3. Which do you like better: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
The day of even thought it can be kind of insane with how my family usually celebrates with an all day extravaganza at church. I did miss it while I was away at school and now. Sometimes. It's a familiar chaos.
4. When does you family put up your Christmas tree and who decorates it?
4. When does you family put up your Christmas tree and who decorates it?
I do at my folks' home as soon as I can after Thanksgiving. Big ole ten foot fake tree that I can set up and fluff in 45 minutes. With the SO's family, FMIL likes to do so and it's whenever she can get to it. So, often sometime between two weeks to a day ahead of Christmas.
5. White lights or colored lights?
5. White lights or colored lights?
I love both, but colored lights.
6. Are you guilty of peeking at your presents or do you like the surprise?
6. Are you guilty of peeking at your presents or do you like the surprise?
I do not peek because I often know what my main present is- as per requested. The rest I'm fine with being surprised.
7. Would you rather live in a gingerbread house or Santa's workshop?
7. Would you rather live in a gingerbread house or Santa's workshop?
Santa's workshop. Hands down. I can get sick from eating the house and then cold, but I can keep creating in the North Pole.
8. Tell us your Christmas Eve traditions.
8. Tell us your Christmas Eve traditions.
With my family, my brother and I have been the ones to wrap any last minute presents but we mostly just make sure everything is ready to go for the next day's day-long events. With the SO's family, there tends to be one small gift opened, a nice dinner, and general spending time together- often watching some holiday movie on television.
9. If you could be under the mistletoe with anyone, who would it be?
With that Significant Other of mine. Or my kitty. I'm sure he'd appreciate that a ton.
10. What tops your tree?
I don't have one of my own yet but my folks have an old cheap angel and the FMIL has a golden tinsel star among other ones that I don't think I've seen yet.
11. Can you name the Twelve Days of Christmas?
I used to, but I think the last three or four blur together now. Nope, I just forgot the pipers piping and tried to make the lords leap in their place. Darn.
12. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Yes and I love it. Used to do it in a neighborhood that was popular for going all out with their decorations (one of my dearest friends happens to live there) with my friends who were all chorus geeks. Hope to again some day.
13. Do you count down to Christmas? If so, how many days are left?
I do not because that requires knowing what day it is when I'm on vacation and that is a no go.
14. What are some foods and treats you can count on having every holiday season?
Oh boy, another split answer. FMIL has those cookies I've told you about plus she likes to have a turkey the day of and with my folks, we're at church for about 12 hours and my brother and I crave Subway sandwiches or McDonalds instead of the egg rolls and fried rice they are selling.
15. How has Christmas kept its magic for you as you have gotten older?
I do love trying to uphold many traditions for that familiar warm inner glow, looking at Christmas light displays and seeing the wonder and appreciation on the faces of the crowds, and giving gifts.

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