I'd be more elated about that if it were not for a phone call I got from my mom late in the evening, which is a super odd time for her to call me. It turns out that my father was hospitalized today. That's the second time this year, the first time I heard about it while it was happening (they left me out of the loop last time because they felt I would stress out to much during my exams- okay, some truth to that but still...), and like the second time that I ever remember that happening to him.
Without going into it too much just yet, I am finding it hard to... do anything right now while he's going through two blood transfusions. I have a big fear of needles and doctors, so I can imagine this is not very fun on top of the serious issue and pain.
My brother just finished his finals for the semester, so he'll be able to hang out with our dad while we wait for the doctors to come to an agreement over surgery. I may be looking at an impromptu visit back soon.
While I don't have the best relationship with him, it was nice to have a brief talk with him so we could put on brave faces for each other. While it's been a long time since I thought he was one of those invincible-parents, I'm still knee-deep in prayers right now. There's not much else I can do but wait to hear more updates. I worry for my mom and brother too. It's going to be a long night for us all.

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