Didn't I just do this?? Another head cold, not as severe as the last but just as sudden. I'm all congested and my brain is all fuzzy.
I was able to last through half substituting in class today for a short period of time. I don't know what was in the water or what about today was so insane but the kids were pretty darn rowdy and noisy. We got below freezing last night and covered up a bunch of plants outside and they seemed to be fairing well still today. This is the coldest it has been this year I believe and it's kind of surprising. I think between that, all of the wind stirring up dust, pollen, and whatnot, and the boys stopping up the swamp cooler for the winter so we can try to make the heater work but also releasing everything that's been gunked up in the vents... leads to be getting sick. Unfortunately, I think I'm the precursor for everyone else getting something too. I'm usually the first or the last and always one of the mildest forms of whatever bug is going around. :(
Wow. December tomorrow. Where does the time go? It's been one heck of a year and I should have been careful when I wished for it to be memorable. Or at least more specific. :P
See you tomorrow. I'm so delirious. <3
Tuesday, November 30
Monday, November 29
272. Conversion
While I'm still sick to my stomach, we managed to get a few errands done today that were a such a huge load off of my shoulders. I still can't believe it went all so smoothly *knocks on wood*, I'm still waiting for something to go wrong. Ack! Lol.
I've also gone a little bin crazy lately. Sorting out bins at school and buying more bins for me to use at home for my stuff and the household's things. It's pretty darn overwhelming trying to tame all of the chaos to convert into organized chaos. I'm trying to keep lists of what's in boxes and figuring out what can be stored out in the garage to maximize the living space indoors. Phew. Every day, the bed is absolutely covered with another project while I take over the living room to try to get a glimpse of everything I'm trying to tackle. What on earth have I gotten myself into!? Ha ha.
Back to the grind for me! I can't wait to work on some holiday stuff in class tomorrow. Tee hee, it's definitely time for some Cricut magic/ fun. Good luck on getting your own holiday affairs in order and see you tomorrow. <3
I've also gone a little bin crazy lately. Sorting out bins at school and buying more bins for me to use at home for my stuff and the household's things. It's pretty darn overwhelming trying to tame all of the chaos to convert into organized chaos. I'm trying to keep lists of what's in boxes and figuring out what can be stored out in the garage to maximize the living space indoors. Phew. Every day, the bed is absolutely covered with another project while I take over the living room to try to get a glimpse of everything I'm trying to tackle. What on earth have I gotten myself into!? Ha ha.
Back to the grind for me! I can't wait to work on some holiday stuff in class tomorrow. Tee hee, it's definitely time for some Cricut magic/ fun. Good luck on getting your own holiday affairs in order and see you tomorrow. <3
Sunday, November 28
271. Restored
I noticed earlier that there was quite a bit chaos going on in my blog about some posts not showing, etc. Well, I believe it's all sorted out now. I'm still a bit green around the gills so I thought I would use today's entry to catch up with pictures I've been meaning to post. :D I hope this will be relatively simple, lol.
Bat hat and claws I had made for "Halloween" or rather when I dressed up with the kids the Friday before.

It's still not done, I'm a bit stumped as to how to finish it.

The Thanksgiving project I was working on that never came to complete fruition because our plans were changed.
I flipped some over and did a partial closeup so you can see what color the paper was originally.

My cheery cheesecake for Thanksgiving! :D

As well as the pumpkin pie from FMIL and the pumpkin oatmeal cookie that I helped her make. :)

A peak at the spread on Thanksgiving.
Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green casserole, cranberry sauce, and buttered rolls. Mmm... Oh, and my plate is the one that has tortilla chips on it. XD
I think that pretty much catches us up for the past month with the pictures I've managed to remember to take and uploaded today. Better late than never? Lol. I suppose. Hope you enjoy and see you tomorrow.<3
Saturday, November 27
270. Blackened
Today, the SO and I were determined to get a few errands done.
So, off we went to drop off some mail, stop by the bank, have lunch with his mom at our new Vietnamese restaurant where the SO's special friend waited on us again and I have some very yummy grilled/ blackened chicken that I devoured, checked out the video game store where I kept squealing with excitement over our game dropping on December 7th, and we ended up at an office supply store where we finally purchased a working printed that was on sale. Got to love HP! One of those all-in-ones and although it wasn't the complete ideal (bi-colored and without wireless networking) for the price we got for it, we received much more printer than what we were expecting to get. Got to love leftover Black Friday promotions and products! We even checked out digital cameras for FMIL but it seems that viewfinders have finally been phased out of non-professional/ fancy grade digital cameras. Oh well. We had to go out one more time to grab some more plastic storage bins so I can figure out how to de-clutter the very limited space I have to work with. I do really have a love affair with Target. Lol. But, of course, I have 27 and 16 quart bins and now all they offer are 30 and 18 quart bins. Gee thanks marketing. Darn you and your conniving ways!
Started feeling under the weather, so the SO did nearly all of grunt work of rearranging more furniture so I could access my dresser and the printer would have a nice spot to live that anyone in the house who printed something could access without having to brave what could very well be their final frontier. Lol. Before we could open the box, I already decided that I adored it. Therefore, the next logical step when you grow attached to something, was to name it. The men decided that the printer was a "he" and his name should be "Sir Prince Alot" because it sounds very much like "prints." Lol, fine. We were eventually able to dig our way through the room and hook up the printer to print out some pictures and I have to say that they are gorgeous for what we paid for! I'm pretty sure the programing they use has photo-enhancing properties because I could swear that some aspects of the pictures looked better and more 3D than the original image being displayed on the screen! A very satisfying purchase. It'll be so nice to have a printer in the house again.
Sigh, I need to get back to organizing those bins. I really hope that the underbed storage bins fit/ work as well as we wanted them to. See you tomorrow. <3
So, off we went to drop off some mail, stop by the bank, have lunch with his mom at our new Vietnamese restaurant where the SO's special friend waited on us again and I have some very yummy grilled/ blackened chicken that I devoured, checked out the video game store where I kept squealing with excitement over our game dropping on December 7th, and we ended up at an office supply store where we finally purchased a working printed that was on sale. Got to love HP! One of those all-in-ones and although it wasn't the complete ideal (bi-colored and without wireless networking) for the price we got for it, we received much more printer than what we were expecting to get. Got to love leftover Black Friday promotions and products! We even checked out digital cameras for FMIL but it seems that viewfinders have finally been phased out of non-professional/ fancy grade digital cameras. Oh well. We had to go out one more time to grab some more plastic storage bins so I can figure out how to de-clutter the very limited space I have to work with. I do really have a love affair with Target. Lol. But, of course, I have 27 and 16 quart bins and now all they offer are 30 and 18 quart bins. Gee thanks marketing. Darn you and your conniving ways!
Started feeling under the weather, so the SO did nearly all of grunt work of rearranging more furniture so I could access my dresser and the printer would have a nice spot to live that anyone in the house who printed something could access without having to brave what could very well be their final frontier. Lol. Before we could open the box, I already decided that I adored it. Therefore, the next logical step when you grow attached to something, was to name it. The men decided that the printer was a "he" and his name should be "Sir Prince Alot" because it sounds very much like "prints." Lol, fine. We were eventually able to dig our way through the room and hook up the printer to print out some pictures and I have to say that they are gorgeous for what we paid for! I'm pretty sure the programing they use has photo-enhancing properties because I could swear that some aspects of the pictures looked better and more 3D than the original image being displayed on the screen! A very satisfying purchase. It'll be so nice to have a printer in the house again.
Sigh, I need to get back to organizing those bins. I really hope that the underbed storage bins fit/ work as well as we wanted them to. See you tomorrow. <3
Friday, November 26
269. Apples Of My Eye
I have spent a good amount of today sorting through a bin of various lessons from the classroom for the months of August and September trying to organize it by supplies and themes. I have never seen so many apples in one place in my entire life. XD Apples of all different sizes and colors were all over the living room couch as I sorted through roughly two decades of materials. Pretty cool stuff! It would be really great coming up with some of these lessons for my own class.
I hope everyone who attempted it survived Black Friday shopping. I really didn't see anything I was dying to have for myself this year and I'm still trying to figure out what to get for the Christmas shopping and can't figure it out so... yeah. Maybe I'll have more of a brainstorm during Cyber Monday. That is much more my style. :P
Now, I feel okay with starting to celebrate the winter holiday season now that Thanksgiving is done and over with. Time for oh so yummy leftovers! I've given it some thought and decided that one day, when we have our own place to decorate and entertain company with, I shall have separate themes of Christmases to shop for and alternate from time to time. Maybe have a blue theme, a super traditional/ handmade theme, etc. Thanks a lot for the ideas/ plague you have brought upon my household in advanced, Ellen Degeneres and Christina Aguilera. Lol. The SO has been warned and doesn't seem to mind the idea.
I'm going to and start dreaming about sugar plums and such now, see you tomorrow! <3
I hope everyone who attempted it survived Black Friday shopping. I really didn't see anything I was dying to have for myself this year and I'm still trying to figure out what to get for the Christmas shopping and can't figure it out so... yeah. Maybe I'll have more of a brainstorm during Cyber Monday. That is much more my style. :P
Now, I feel okay with starting to celebrate the winter holiday season now that Thanksgiving is done and over with. Time for oh so yummy leftovers! I've given it some thought and decided that one day, when we have our own place to decorate and entertain company with, I shall have separate themes of Christmases to shop for and alternate from time to time. Maybe have a blue theme, a super traditional/ handmade theme, etc. Thanks a lot for the ideas/ plague you have brought upon my household in advanced, Ellen Degeneres and Christina Aguilera. Lol. The SO has been warned and doesn't seem to mind the idea.
I'm going to and start dreaming about sugar plums and such now, see you tomorrow! <3
Thursday, November 25
268. Turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I know the trend for today is to talk about what I'm thankful for so...erm. I'm going to give it a quick try. Of course, is it in no particular order.
I'm thankful for everyone that has come into my life: Family, friends, strangers I see, coworkers, associates, and people I don't even like. They show up for a reason and don't always stick around but they play a part in making me who I am and getting me to where I want to be in life and as a person. Thank you.
I'm thankful for the privileged life I've led. My parents have worked really hard to give me a great life in which I really did not have to worry about anything important and I know that it took blood, sweat, and tears to get to that point. I have met and still have wonderful friends in my life that would drop anything to come help me and I hope they know that I would do the same. Actually, they do know that because I make it a point to tell them from time to time. :) I hope to make good use of the opportunities I now have.
I'm thankful for finding my voice. I'm pretty sure that I have received plenty of gentle guidance from up above in this. I've learned a lot about who I am and gained so much missing self confidence to be comfortable enough to confront what is typically terrifying. I can't wait to see what is in store this coming new year.
I'm thankful for struggling through life. It really does build and show my character and I will be that much better of a person to help others and my loved ones when times get better. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? It keeps reminding me to be more humble, aware, understanding, kind, and open.
Other things I'm grateful for are something along the lines of: music, yummy food, junk food, tv, the internet, bacon, WoW, crafting, cell phones, worrying about a room being too messy to be in because it means I have somewhere to live, and things like that. :)
My fingers are really too cold to keep typing. I hope everyone had a pleasant enough holiday and hope you all stayed safe today and do so tomorrow, especially if you are daring to go Black Friday shopping. :P
I know the trend for today is to talk about what I'm thankful for so...erm. I'm going to give it a quick try. Of course, is it in no particular order.
I'm thankful for everyone that has come into my life: Family, friends, strangers I see, coworkers, associates, and people I don't even like. They show up for a reason and don't always stick around but they play a part in making me who I am and getting me to where I want to be in life and as a person. Thank you.
I'm thankful for the privileged life I've led. My parents have worked really hard to give me a great life in which I really did not have to worry about anything important and I know that it took blood, sweat, and tears to get to that point. I have met and still have wonderful friends in my life that would drop anything to come help me and I hope they know that I would do the same. Actually, they do know that because I make it a point to tell them from time to time. :) I hope to make good use of the opportunities I now have.
I'm thankful for finding my voice. I'm pretty sure that I have received plenty of gentle guidance from up above in this. I've learned a lot about who I am and gained so much missing self confidence to be comfortable enough to confront what is typically terrifying. I can't wait to see what is in store this coming new year.
I'm thankful for struggling through life. It really does build and show my character and I will be that much better of a person to help others and my loved ones when times get better. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? It keeps reminding me to be more humble, aware, understanding, kind, and open.
Other things I'm grateful for are something along the lines of: music, yummy food, junk food, tv, the internet, bacon, WoW, crafting, cell phones, worrying about a room being too messy to be in because it means I have somewhere to live, and things like that. :)
My fingers are really too cold to keep typing. I hope everyone had a pleasant enough holiday and hope you all stayed safe today and do so tomorrow, especially if you are daring to go Black Friday shopping. :P
Wednesday, November 24
267. Dread
Just like many turkeys around the country have been dreading tomorrow, so am I. I'm really not sure how well or unwell it is going to go, so we'll just have to see! Went into school today despite not having any students and tried my best to get some sort of head start with collecting the activities for next month. For some bizarre reason, they are only going to have students for a mere 8 days next month. How ridiculous is that? This is probably the third month that this minimal true academic days has happened and I do not know how families can cope with finding alternative places for their kids to go to during times like these! I wonder if the district even realizes that they've done this to the program. Ugh.
Well, I have to do some holiday preparation myself. See you tomorrow and stay safe, especially if you're traveling! <3
Well, I have to do some holiday preparation myself. See you tomorrow and stay safe, especially if you're traveling! <3
Tuesday, November 23
266. Shattered
Next next Tuesday is the released of the latest expansion of our WoW game. :D They broke our world today in preparation and it's been interesting, to say the least. I am growing accustomed to all of the changes but I don't want to take part in it. Lol.
They have always kept true to their roots and even as old stuff was rendered useless, they would do what they could to keep it in the game with some minimal value. This time around... the landscape and traditions are ripped apart and it's like coming home after a couple of years and not recognizing what your childhood home has become.
Meh. I suppose I'm all sorts of sleep deprived and cranky too. We got a complimentry meal from Boston Market because it's good politics and we've been severely shafted by them the past couple of a months. Had an awkward case of mistaken identity and I felt bad but I'm still the type of person who would likely wave and smile at a stranger who did the same to me. Kids performed a play for schoolmates and adults about the first Thanksgiving and it was pretty... rough but funny. They even had a mini feast at snack and it was a little crazy energy wise but that's fine. Now to switch gears and attack making as many preparations as possible for next month. Awesome. Lol. I just want to help so much.
Even though there won't be students tomorrow, I'm going in again. At least there's a McDonald's breakfast involved. I can't wait! Ha ha.
Next next Tuesday is the released of the latest expansion of our WoW game. :D They broke our world today in preparation and it's been interesting, to say the least. I am growing accustomed to all of the changes but I don't want to take part in it. Lol.
They have always kept true to their roots and even as old stuff was rendered useless, they would do what they could to keep it in the game with some minimal value. This time around... the landscape and traditions are ripped apart and it's like coming home after a couple of years and not recognizing what your childhood home has become.
Meh. I suppose I'm all sorts of sleep deprived and cranky too. We got a complimentry meal from Boston Market because it's good politics and we've been severely shafted by them the past couple of a months. Had an awkward case of mistaken identity and I felt bad but I'm still the type of person who would likely wave and smile at a stranger who did the same to me. Kids performed a play for schoolmates and adults about the first Thanksgiving and it was pretty... rough but funny. They even had a mini feast at snack and it was a little crazy energy wise but that's fine. Now to switch gears and attack making as many preparations as possible for next month. Awesome. Lol. I just want to help so much.
Even though there won't be students tomorrow, I'm going in again. At least there's a McDonald's breakfast involved. I can't wait! Ha ha.
Monday, November 22
265. A Voice
Last minute preparation for this weekend's Thanksgiving festivities are in full gear. Definitely another one of those times when there is not enough hours in the days going zooming by so fast that everyone seems to be getting whiplash.
I was taking a look at a school calendar and realized that some students only came to school on 8 days in December. What is up with that?! I have to say that making props and supplies for assignments is still pretty fun and cute though. However, I am already starting to panic about making everything and anything the classroom may need or use during the next month.
My gift shopping/ making and card writing has taken a severe back burner. That should be fun to catch up on once classes are done. I should have started writing them months ago when I started making the cards. :(
Black Friday traditions strike horror into every fiber of my being and I hope every stays safe and compassionate. And all of the advertisements, especially the emails, are kind of killing me but I don't feel gypped or anything. Spending is just not really in the cards for me now and I'm really okay not getting stuff.
I did listen to a voice mail message today that sent me off the emotional edge that I've been teetering upon. I... am pretty overwhelmed in a couple of ways and every way is making me feel incredibly guilty. Some is much deserved, but not all of it. Actually, just a few of those words I heard broke my heart a little. The beginning of the end of a deck that is stacked against me. I know I'm not the only one and I really do wish that we don't have to shoved in these kids of situations. I'm not going to say that it's not fair, even though it feels like some gross injustice, but it really is not fun.
Hang in there. We each will figure out something one way or another and our circumstances will change for the better eventually. Just keep hanging on and pushing forward. See you tomorrow. <3
I was taking a look at a school calendar and realized that some students only came to school on 8 days in December. What is up with that?! I have to say that making props and supplies for assignments is still pretty fun and cute though. However, I am already starting to panic about making everything and anything the classroom may need or use during the next month.
My gift shopping/ making and card writing has taken a severe back burner. That should be fun to catch up on once classes are done. I should have started writing them months ago when I started making the cards. :(
Black Friday traditions strike horror into every fiber of my being and I hope every stays safe and compassionate. And all of the advertisements, especially the emails, are kind of killing me but I don't feel gypped or anything. Spending is just not really in the cards for me now and I'm really okay not getting stuff.
I did listen to a voice mail message today that sent me off the emotional edge that I've been teetering upon. I... am pretty overwhelmed in a couple of ways and every way is making me feel incredibly guilty. Some is much deserved, but not all of it. Actually, just a few of those words I heard broke my heart a little. The beginning of the end of a deck that is stacked against me. I know I'm not the only one and I really do wish that we don't have to shoved in these kids of situations. I'm not going to say that it's not fair, even though it feels like some gross injustice, but it really is not fun.
Hang in there. We each will figure out something one way or another and our circumstances will change for the better eventually. Just keep hanging on and pushing forward. See you tomorrow. <3
Sunday, November 21
264. Lingering
Kitty has had a crazy morning/ day. Apparently he was in a feisty mood this morning when FMIL was up. I barely got any sleep at all last night so I was passed out for this ordeal. Flipping around, chasing scarves, nuzzling everything in sight, running full bore all up and down the house, etc. Then he was passed out for the rest of the day. We have begun to theorize that he might like the smell of coffee! I would like to test this theory out over the next couple of days. Lol.
On a side note, I really need to not watch infomercials. They just strike a chord in me during those late nights and I think I would have a lot of mediocre gadgets if I had the room and unlimited funds. Granted, not all of them are complete fails, my Cricut is one of the infomercials I saw around this time last year that made me fall in love with the product line. XD Oh boy.
Despite scrubbing several time today, I still have hints of ink lingering on my fingertips. Oh joy.
I'm still hoping for clearer skies indoors. :) See you tomorrow. <3
On a side note, I really need to not watch infomercials. They just strike a chord in me during those late nights and I think I would have a lot of mediocre gadgets if I had the room and unlimited funds. Granted, not all of them are complete fails, my Cricut is one of the infomercials I saw around this time last year that made me fall in love with the product line. XD Oh boy.
Despite scrubbing several time today, I still have hints of ink lingering on my fingertips. Oh joy.
I'm still hoping for clearer skies indoors. :) See you tomorrow. <3
Saturday, November 20
263. Crisp & Covered
I have been told that this is a sign that I'm having fun.
I hands are covered in five different colors of ink. I am just not very good at this, lol. I'm actually not stamping at the moment, but just inking up stuff I've cut out. I'm trying makeshift sponges, the pads themselves, and everything I can think of to use that we currently have on hand. I'm trying to make some seasonal decor to brighten the mood and keep myself feeling somewhat purposeful. I hope it doesn't go completely down south.
The cats are almost coexisting? Sigh. I'm doing a poor job, and it gets worse the more tired I am- which is usually when their claws tend to come out, of determining when I should just let them duke it out or when I should intervene. I know they can get over little scratches, fur flying, and the truckloads of trash talk/ hissing. The only thing we're really worried about is if they truly end up hating each other or someone gets the other really bad in the eye. Almost like with kids, there are just some times that you don't want to play referee, be collateral damage, or deal with the yowling and things between knocked over or torn through. Preventative parenting? Ha ha.
They both did something super quirky and cute today though. I woke up our cat this morning and he's always extremely affectionate when he's groggy. He's taken to sleeping on his blanket on the dresser next to his pet grass that he has annihilated. I need to grab a picture of it. It's in a bad way. XD So he's headbutting me full force and marking the cup, even going further by rubbing on the grass itself and licking it! Suddenly, he's sitting up next to it, smashes his whole face down the middle of it all, and nuzzles the bejeezus out of it. Rofl.
Two thoughts ran through my mind then: 1. Bahahahahaha! You're so ridiculous and cute! & 2. Wow. Gee thanks, kitty. Now, I know that I almost rank up there with your pet grass. Ha ha!
The cat cousin started a few habit today of laying down on this clown fish stuffed animal cushion that FMIL brought home from school to repair. We've tucked it out of the way under the sewing table and she caught him napping there this morning. I snapped a picture with my phone, sent it to his dad, and said that he had found Nemo! Lol, oh heaven forbid he ever figured out how to get fish. It's already bad enough when he tries to drink water from the faucet.
Hm, I just looked at the project I'm working on and they actually don't look half bad coloring-wise in dim lighting. Lol, that sounds kind of bad but I really do like the effect I'm seeing right now. It's a shame that it's not possible to have that lighting around where I plan to use them. Oh, if we could only have flattering light everywhere we go. XD
I'm getting a bit too silly for my own good. See you tomorrow! <3
I hands are covered in five different colors of ink. I am just not very good at this, lol. I'm actually not stamping at the moment, but just inking up stuff I've cut out. I'm trying makeshift sponges, the pads themselves, and everything I can think of to use that we currently have on hand. I'm trying to make some seasonal decor to brighten the mood and keep myself feeling somewhat purposeful. I hope it doesn't go completely down south.
The cats are almost coexisting? Sigh. I'm doing a poor job, and it gets worse the more tired I am- which is usually when their claws tend to come out, of determining when I should just let them duke it out or when I should intervene. I know they can get over little scratches, fur flying, and the truckloads of trash talk/ hissing. The only thing we're really worried about is if they truly end up hating each other or someone gets the other really bad in the eye. Almost like with kids, there are just some times that you don't want to play referee, be collateral damage, or deal with the yowling and things between knocked over or torn through. Preventative parenting? Ha ha.
They both did something super quirky and cute today though. I woke up our cat this morning and he's always extremely affectionate when he's groggy. He's taken to sleeping on his blanket on the dresser next to his pet grass that he has annihilated. I need to grab a picture of it. It's in a bad way. XD So he's headbutting me full force and marking the cup, even going further by rubbing on the grass itself and licking it! Suddenly, he's sitting up next to it, smashes his whole face down the middle of it all, and nuzzles the bejeezus out of it. Rofl.
Two thoughts ran through my mind then: 1. Bahahahahaha! You're so ridiculous and cute! & 2. Wow. Gee thanks, kitty. Now, I know that I almost rank up there with your pet grass. Ha ha!
The cat cousin started a few habit today of laying down on this clown fish stuffed animal cushion that FMIL brought home from school to repair. We've tucked it out of the way under the sewing table and she caught him napping there this morning. I snapped a picture with my phone, sent it to his dad, and said that he had found Nemo! Lol, oh heaven forbid he ever figured out how to get fish. It's already bad enough when he tries to drink water from the faucet.
Hm, I just looked at the project I'm working on and they actually don't look half bad coloring-wise in dim lighting. Lol, that sounds kind of bad but I really do like the effect I'm seeing right now. It's a shame that it's not possible to have that lighting around where I plan to use them. Oh, if we could only have flattering light everywhere we go. XD
I'm getting a bit too silly for my own good. See you tomorrow! <3
Friday, November 19
262. Not Helping
Apparently one of the words I have trouble saying (amongst them: "thesaurus") is "organ." It seems that I end up saying "Oregon" and the SO won't let me live it down. Lol. He's trying to coach me and the harder I try the more I think I hear myself half sneaking in a half of an extra syllable. I never really noticed this before. Bah!
I wonder how next week is going to turn out. I can't make it back to my folks' for Thanksgiving and I'm unsure as to what my plans are instead. :( Maybe we can get creative and start some odd new tradition. One could only hope. As long as it stays relatively drama-free, I'll be glad. This will probably be a precursor to how the rest of this year's holiday season will go and I'm not quite sure if I am ready for that. I hope everyone else is gearing up nicely for Turkey Day and Black Friday. I try my best to stay away and recover from the day before. XD Pretty good habit to have when you're bordering broke. Ha ha!
See you tomorrow, folks. <3
I wonder how next week is going to turn out. I can't make it back to my folks' for Thanksgiving and I'm unsure as to what my plans are instead. :( Maybe we can get creative and start some odd new tradition. One could only hope. As long as it stays relatively drama-free, I'll be glad. This will probably be a precursor to how the rest of this year's holiday season will go and I'm not quite sure if I am ready for that. I hope everyone else is gearing up nicely for Turkey Day and Black Friday. I try my best to stay away and recover from the day before. XD Pretty good habit to have when you're bordering broke. Ha ha!
See you tomorrow, folks. <3
Thursday, November 18
261. Drift Away
I didn't have the best night last night so I've been distant most of today. I tried to get a couple things done, did some, but I'm still on edge and cannot seem to garnish the motivation to attack any project or task in particular. I really hope this is just a fleeting feeling and that I can kick into high gear this weekend. Next week is already Thanksgiving, holy cow! This year has gone by pretty fast, but I am constantly being told that this trend just grows exponentially as I grow older. Oh joy. Lol. Why do kids ever want to grow up so fast again? I actually was never really one of those. I still don't want to grow up now! XD
Wish me luck on keeping out of a rut! It has already led to me putting my Etsy shop on an indefinite hiatus. :( See you tomorrow. <3
Wish me luck on keeping out of a rut! It has already led to me putting my Etsy shop on an indefinite hiatus. :( See you tomorrow. <3
Wednesday, November 17
260. The Taste Of Childhood
After running a few errands today (I'm thankfully closer to sanity after passing out last night), the SO and I tried a new Vietnamese restaurant since our old one is changing things up and we're not quite sure if it's for the better. This one isn't too far and still had the great prices that this cuisine typically has. Plus, it had a fairly nice atmosphere going on with it's decor and very kind and attentive staff.
I guess since we were riding the wave of the success and a conversation we had last night, we also went a little out of our way to stop by the Oriental supermarket. I did need some more of my soy sauce and subsequently ran around in a mini flurry to snatch up a handful of snacks I've grown up having. Nostalgia ftw! And yes, I did start to tear into them once we got back into the car. XD No self control.
Shrimp flavored chips despite the fact that I don't like seafood, little cups of jello made from seaweed that I'm currently freezing, Yan Yan crackers with strawberry frosting, and "Love Letters" or rolls made of paper thing wafers with a strawberry flavored frosting coating the center. Oh, I also got some... erm... banana leaf wrapped frozen pork meat loaf. It's not like American meat loaf and I don't know how to really explain it's consistency and what it really is, lol.
Oh well, I'm enjoying being a glutton and curing a portion of my homesickness. It is amazing what food can do for a person- feed their soul. : ) See you tomorrow!
I guess since we were riding the wave of the success and a conversation we had last night, we also went a little out of our way to stop by the Oriental supermarket. I did need some more of my soy sauce and subsequently ran around in a mini flurry to snatch up a handful of snacks I've grown up having. Nostalgia ftw! And yes, I did start to tear into them once we got back into the car. XD No self control.
Shrimp flavored chips despite the fact that I don't like seafood, little cups of jello made from seaweed that I'm currently freezing, Yan Yan crackers with strawberry frosting, and "Love Letters" or rolls made of paper thing wafers with a strawberry flavored frosting coating the center. Oh, I also got some... erm... banana leaf wrapped frozen pork meat loaf. It's not like American meat loaf and I don't know how to really explain it's consistency and what it really is, lol.
Oh well, I'm enjoying being a glutton and curing a portion of my homesickness. It is amazing what food can do for a person- feed their soul. : ) See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 16
259. Relapse
Gained virtually no sleep, working with the kids had some hilarious moments today (as always with kids), and I am so wired this evening that I think I may need to go run laps in the middle of the night around the house. I might if it weren't for all the cacti and the wild javelina everywhere. Sigh. A thermos full of Mountain Dew was such a rofl-worthy mistake. XD
See you tomorrow. <3
See you tomorrow. <3
Monday, November 15
258. Elements
I didn't plan to become fanatical tonight but it ended up that way. Suddenly, some of the planets aligned and some of my digital associates and I went crazy on new world event in game and wow. It has just been an intense night in so many unexpected ways. However, it's settled down and we've had a lot of crazy throw back fun and that's worth changing your plans for. :) I am very much going to pay for this tomorrow. Lol.
See you then. <3
See you then. <3
Sunday, November 14
257. Fixation
Today was dedicated on starting on catching up and my oral fixation is pretty much back. I had to stop eating away and chopping off my nails so that I would stop distracting myself /procrastinating. I know I had to do that to stop myself- short of wearing gloves, which I've tried but doesn't work because then I can't type properly- but now I'm all said that I don't have any nails. Sigh, this is what I get for lacking self control/ discipline during stressful times. /frown.
See you tomorrow. <3
See you tomorrow. <3
Saturday, November 13
256. The Color Brown
Okay, it may not sound very good, but it is.
Went to a Chinese Buffet and stuffed myself full of Chinese doughnuts and nearly every type of chicken I could get my grubby little fingers on. And of course I finished my death by gluttony with chocolate ice cream. Total bliss. :D
We also moved a brown leather couch into one of the houses and finally have some seating in a front room facing the fireplace. One more step to becoming a real home!
Also, got more work done on the gingerbread house. I'm starting to wrack my brains over what to put on there since I'm a bit sick of the red and white candy canes and peppermints ideas.
That's all from me today, see you tomorrow. <3
Went to a Chinese Buffet and stuffed myself full of Chinese doughnuts and nearly every type of chicken I could get my grubby little fingers on. And of course I finished my death by gluttony with chocolate ice cream. Total bliss. :D
We also moved a brown leather couch into one of the houses and finally have some seating in a front room facing the fireplace. One more step to becoming a real home!
Also, got more work done on the gingerbread house. I'm starting to wrack my brains over what to put on there since I'm a bit sick of the red and white candy canes and peppermints ideas.
That's all from me today, see you tomorrow. <3
Friday, November 12
255. Tune In
... Let's just tune in tomorrow for the regularly scheduled post. I think I need some more time to myself today.
Thursday, November 11
254. Covered
I'm not sure how I would cope with anything if it weren't for loved ones, music, and crafting.
My fingers are currently covered in paint despite the fact that it is one of my weakest mediums to work with and I'm feeling pretty happy.
I've been working on assembling a miniature paper house and converting it from haunted to gingerbread. Not an easy feat. This is especially so because it was only supposed to be a prototype. However, I got excited. Teehee.
So excited that I forgot to take a regular "screenshot" of it once it was finally assembled. I did grab a picture on my phone but I can't remember the best way for me to go about transferring that image onto my computer. Hopefully I can because it was pretty impressive looking before I started to modify it.
Hooray for prepping for winter around the house by starting to transfer plants around. I was covered in dirt and various pet grime today too. :D
It is really getting chilly out. I never really remembered much about winterizing anything besides a wardrobe with living in Florida most of my life. This is really interesting to get involved with seasonal type processes!
See you tomorrow. <3
My fingers are currently covered in paint despite the fact that it is one of my weakest mediums to work with and I'm feeling pretty happy.
I've been working on assembling a miniature paper house and converting it from haunted to gingerbread. Not an easy feat. This is especially so because it was only supposed to be a prototype. However, I got excited. Teehee.
So excited that I forgot to take a regular "screenshot" of it once it was finally assembled. I did grab a picture on my phone but I can't remember the best way for me to go about transferring that image onto my computer. Hopefully I can because it was pretty impressive looking before I started to modify it.
Hooray for prepping for winter around the house by starting to transfer plants around. I was covered in dirt and various pet grime today too. :D
It is really getting chilly out. I never really remembered much about winterizing anything besides a wardrobe with living in Florida most of my life. This is really interesting to get involved with seasonal type processes!
See you tomorrow. <3
Wednesday, November 10
253. BRB
Taking care of a big mistake I just found out that I've made. I really hope I can fix this. I can't believe myself. :(
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 9
252. Copy & Paste
I'm tired, I'm a bit cranky, and I don't want to write all that much today.
With the long holiday weekend coming up, we're trying to make some plans to help out one another but I think we're just going to end up doing our own things like we do everyday. :( There's a pretty big Cricut sale going on at one of the websites that I've been checking out and it was a tad frustrating but pretty amusing at how it could not handle the traffic the advertising generated. Well, the amusing part was watching how angry or freaked out some people were getting over on the Facebook fanpage. I suppose I'm a little sadistic in that manner. It's not that big a deal to get some deal on a few cartridges. I may have caved a little and snagged some that I've been eyeballing for a little while now. :D I can't wait to show you.
Things seem to be actually coming together after nearly a year on a subtle hiatus in our gaming world. That makes me happy because it feels as if another piece of my life is falling back into place and becoming normal again. It sounds a tad pathetic at first but no more than any other hobby. ^_^
I also am determined to dedicate more time to paper crafting. I have racked up so many supplies and gotten so many people around me interested and yet I have been doing nothing but sales pitches with nothing recent to back it up. Plus my modest stash of card is dangerously low. Having it around has been incredibly useful. Soon I have to start addressing and writing my winter holiday cards and that's pretty intimidating. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, I've finding a few simple sketches of layouts and trying to streamline the creation process so I'm not as easily distracted or deterred from making a decent batch. I think most processes benefit from thinking like this. I hope so because that is how my brain wants to work, lol.
See you tomorrow. <3
With the long holiday weekend coming up, we're trying to make some plans to help out one another but I think we're just going to end up doing our own things like we do everyday. :( There's a pretty big Cricut sale going on at one of the websites that I've been checking out and it was a tad frustrating but pretty amusing at how it could not handle the traffic the advertising generated. Well, the amusing part was watching how angry or freaked out some people were getting over on the Facebook fanpage. I suppose I'm a little sadistic in that manner. It's not that big a deal to get some deal on a few cartridges. I may have caved a little and snagged some that I've been eyeballing for a little while now. :D I can't wait to show you.
Things seem to be actually coming together after nearly a year on a subtle hiatus in our gaming world. That makes me happy because it feels as if another piece of my life is falling back into place and becoming normal again. It sounds a tad pathetic at first but no more than any other hobby. ^_^
I also am determined to dedicate more time to paper crafting. I have racked up so many supplies and gotten so many people around me interested and yet I have been doing nothing but sales pitches with nothing recent to back it up. Plus my modest stash of card is dangerously low. Having it around has been incredibly useful. Soon I have to start addressing and writing my winter holiday cards and that's pretty intimidating. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, I've finding a few simple sketches of layouts and trying to streamline the creation process so I'm not as easily distracted or deterred from making a decent batch. I think most processes benefit from thinking like this. I hope so because that is how my brain wants to work, lol.
See you tomorrow. <3
Monday, November 8
251. The Old Gang
I think I'm starting to calm down. Being a bit sore and bruised from yard work kind of helps one cool their jets. Lol.
It's really nice to see old friends again. It's even better when that meeting involves even more old friends. Part of you starts to feel like the balance of the world and the order of all things is falling back into place. Yet, with all of the changes and experiences that have occurred during those solo flights or just that time a part from one another... something doesn't seem quite right. If you're lucky, the attitudes and atmosphere picks right back up again. Other times, you try and just skim past as much as you can. In a few cases, what's done is done, the chapter is over, everyone has played their parts, and you nod politely just to keep moving on. Life is pretty darn interesting in that regard. So much and so little time. The same goes for people was well. It is such a small world, especially with technology these days, and yet so very expansive that you can easily feel pretty insignificant all at once. Oh, and that feeling lonely or alone when you're surrounded by people? Don't get me started on that one just yet.
I really don't think my brain can handle delving into this subject matter for much longer. See you tomorrow. <3
It's really nice to see old friends again. It's even better when that meeting involves even more old friends. Part of you starts to feel like the balance of the world and the order of all things is falling back into place. Yet, with all of the changes and experiences that have occurred during those solo flights or just that time a part from one another... something doesn't seem quite right. If you're lucky, the attitudes and atmosphere picks right back up again. Other times, you try and just skim past as much as you can. In a few cases, what's done is done, the chapter is over, everyone has played their parts, and you nod politely just to keep moving on. Life is pretty darn interesting in that regard. So much and so little time. The same goes for people was well. It is such a small world, especially with technology these days, and yet so very expansive that you can easily feel pretty insignificant all at once. Oh, and that feeling lonely or alone when you're surrounded by people? Don't get me started on that one just yet.
I really don't think my brain can handle delving into this subject matter for much longer. See you tomorrow. <3
Sunday, November 7
250. This Time
The fun thing about the time changing today? We don't have to. :P I didn't have to worry about it or become confused when my laptop and cellphone had a different time than the microwaves and alarm clocks. I didn't gain an hour of sleep right now only to lose it again in the spring. One of the perks of living here.
I do, however, feel quite grimy right now. Once I was finally up and about, we did some yard work. With how I was feeling last night, I didn't have the best nights sleep, and didn't have a great awakening. So, we took it out on the front yard. More of those wicked thorny mesquite branches were chopped away and put on the curb for bulky trash pickup on this side of town. I didn't get as cut or scratched up this time because I left the boys doing that part and tackled softer and ground-covering plants. Some of my fingertips are bruised, making it kind of hard to type lol, because I was digging with one glove in the hard ground/ "dirt" to do my best to rip up as many roots of certain unsightly and unruly plants. I'm covered in dust, dirt, and who knows what else. Saw a couple of wicked looking spiders but was thankfully not bit by anything today either. Digging up tubers and rocks with your fingers isn't very pleasant. Ha ha. The SO would pause and laugh at me because once i finally pulled a root clump free, I'd almost fall back on my butt. Each and every time. Hey, I took that into account! I didn't accidentally butt plant once this time!
I even got to catch up with my baby brother for a little bit too. It's been a few weeks while we each tried to take care of our business. It's so weird to think of him in college now and I keep chucking advice and tips for him so that he doesn't miss out or make the mistakes that I did. I hope he gets the most experiences out of this time in his life. : )
The boys even put together a... "Outdoor Backyard Heater." ... What? Lol. I've never seen one before but it's powered by propane, looks almost like a pot belly stove, and has a gong-like hood/ hat at the top of the pipe to disperse some heat downward. Next time we actually use it, I'll snag a pic. We're all kind of sore now after ordering in some pizza and pasta. I tried to make some garlic bread and put it in for a little too long because I feel they were too crunchy. After a hard day's work, chewing and biting down hard on bread is not at all appealing.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I guess it could be because I still have a lot on my mind or at least am focused on feeling it all bubble and seethe beneath the surface. Bah, I need to stop using my index fingers. See you tomorrow! <3
I do, however, feel quite grimy right now. Once I was finally up and about, we did some yard work. With how I was feeling last night, I didn't have the best nights sleep, and didn't have a great awakening. So, we took it out on the front yard. More of those wicked thorny mesquite branches were chopped away and put on the curb for bulky trash pickup on this side of town. I didn't get as cut or scratched up this time because I left the boys doing that part and tackled softer and ground-covering plants. Some of my fingertips are bruised, making it kind of hard to type lol, because I was digging with one glove in the hard ground/ "dirt" to do my best to rip up as many roots of certain unsightly and unruly plants. I'm covered in dust, dirt, and who knows what else. Saw a couple of wicked looking spiders but was thankfully not bit by anything today either. Digging up tubers and rocks with your fingers isn't very pleasant. Ha ha. The SO would pause and laugh at me because once i finally pulled a root clump free, I'd almost fall back on my butt. Each and every time. Hey, I took that into account! I didn't accidentally butt plant once this time!
I even got to catch up with my baby brother for a little bit too. It's been a few weeks while we each tried to take care of our business. It's so weird to think of him in college now and I keep chucking advice and tips for him so that he doesn't miss out or make the mistakes that I did. I hope he gets the most experiences out of this time in his life. : )
The boys even put together a... "Outdoor Backyard Heater." ... What? Lol. I've never seen one before but it's powered by propane, looks almost like a pot belly stove, and has a gong-like hood/ hat at the top of the pipe to disperse some heat downward. Next time we actually use it, I'll snag a pic. We're all kind of sore now after ordering in some pizza and pasta. I tried to make some garlic bread and put it in for a little too long because I feel they were too crunchy. After a hard day's work, chewing and biting down hard on bread is not at all appealing.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I guess it could be because I still have a lot on my mind or at least am focused on feeling it all bubble and seethe beneath the surface. Bah, I need to stop using my index fingers. See you tomorrow! <3
Saturday, November 6
249. Bottom Rung
Making this quick because I'm forcing myself to calm down or risk having a little panic attack. I overwhelm myself and stress out way too intensely. Just tagged along for a few things today. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Blizzard, the company that makes my game, has be microchipped and can tell when I have genuine desire and drive to actually be proactive and get better in the game so that they may throw everything they can to stop me. :) We've had some server and internet connection issues the past few days that should not be happening and it's pretty frustrating. Sigh, I need to go lay down. Just when I think I'm making progress with a ton of stuff, I'm quickly shown that I'm really at the bottom of the totem pole. See you tomorrow, <3
Friday, November 5
248. We're Back
We ate at the restaurant that one of the SO's brothers work at. It's been a while, we get a family discount, and it's a yummy steak place. Mmm... I love how we always have leftovers and nowadays it's about half of what we ordered goes home with us. Granted they are typically annihilated by the end of the next day, but still.
The SO also beat the Wii's Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game. We got so close after yesterday but saved the finale for when we were all awake enough to watch. Not bad. He was right in saying that this version wasn't revolutionary, just another solid Zelda game with a wolf-y and Wii twist.
Teehee, the SO let me cut some his hair and help "re-appropriate his facial hair 'locationale'." Lol. He's trying out new styles/ designs/ whatnots and I kept watching so he let me have a go at it despite my giggling. For the record, he still has a face and does not have a Mohawk. We did ask if we could give kitty cousin one too, but it didn't fly. XD Maybe next time. :P
We're even both getting back into the swing of things in the game and that's just making the reopening of the guild that much closer/ real. I'm going back and doing some "original"/ classic/ vanilla content before it may possibly be gone forever from the game. They've normally never removed anything from the game, just altered it or let it be. However, with the upcoming expansion and how they are revisiting the original real estate, they seemed to have rebuilt it from the ground up, giving Blizzard a chance to get rid of outdated areas and materials since they were delving into it anyways. It kind of makes me sad, but I'm trying to be excited about it too. Stuff I was okay with missing out on before, I'm suddenly in a mild panic about getting done. Lol. I enjoy relating this nerdy stuff to real life. It's not that far off. Just prettier. And more forgiving. Ha ha.
I got a little more Xmas shopping done today. Gah. It's been so hard to not include gifts for myself for right now. I'm trying to behave. Sigh...
Tomorrow could be kind of interesting or really ordinary. We'll see! See you then.
The SO also beat the Wii's Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game. We got so close after yesterday but saved the finale for when we were all awake enough to watch. Not bad. He was right in saying that this version wasn't revolutionary, just another solid Zelda game with a wolf-y and Wii twist.
Teehee, the SO let me cut some his hair and help "re-appropriate his facial hair 'locationale'." Lol. He's trying out new styles/ designs/ whatnots and I kept watching so he let me have a go at it despite my giggling. For the record, he still has a face and does not have a Mohawk. We did ask if we could give kitty cousin one too, but it didn't fly. XD Maybe next time. :P
We're even both getting back into the swing of things in the game and that's just making the reopening of the guild that much closer/ real. I'm going back and doing some "original"/ classic/ vanilla content before it may possibly be gone forever from the game. They've normally never removed anything from the game, just altered it or let it be. However, with the upcoming expansion and how they are revisiting the original real estate, they seemed to have rebuilt it from the ground up, giving Blizzard a chance to get rid of outdated areas and materials since they were delving into it anyways. It kind of makes me sad, but I'm trying to be excited about it too. Stuff I was okay with missing out on before, I'm suddenly in a mild panic about getting done. Lol. I enjoy relating this nerdy stuff to real life. It's not that far off. Just prettier. And more forgiving. Ha ha.
I got a little more Xmas shopping done today. Gah. It's been so hard to not include gifts for myself for right now. I'm trying to behave. Sigh...
Tomorrow could be kind of interesting or really ordinary. We'll see! See you then.
Thursday, November 4
247. Golden
Ran some errands today and then we got breakfast food for a late lunch! Hooray! Even though it's my favorite meal, I have to say that I am not a huge fan of fake egg/ egg substitute/ or that egg mix that many restaurants use to speed up the process. Also ended up going on a little manhunt for kitty's food which shouldn't be hard to find at all. Got to love getting completely different and possibly contradictory statements from sales reps. But it happens, been on the other side, I get it. Kind of.
I just have to share a bit more news game-wise. My hard work from last night has already started to pay off with the guild and myself making pretty good money! Well, it's a big deal to me because I don't remember the last time I had this much gold. Lol. I'm just a certain kind of stubborn, I'm not really good at all at this game. XD I have people who will vouch for me in the nicest way they can think to.
One of my goals for last week was to start seriously creating my winter holiday shopping list. I even managed to get one present today! This week I'm supposed to start working on the cards. Hoo boy. I really need to sit down and think if I really want to write and address 70 something cards. I like doing my best to make them personal but at that rate... I might was well stamp "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas", draw a happy face or a heart, and sign my name, lol. I have to think about it some more.
This shopping would be so much easier if we had those devices that would instantly create whatever we wanted out of thin air. I know what I would like to get, it's just a matter of where from? Lol, oh well.
Has anyone else thought of these things yet? See you tomorrow! <3
I just have to share a bit more news game-wise. My hard work from last night has already started to pay off with the guild and myself making pretty good money! Well, it's a big deal to me because I don't remember the last time I had this much gold. Lol. I'm just a certain kind of stubborn, I'm not really good at all at this game. XD I have people who will vouch for me in the nicest way they can think to.
One of my goals for last week was to start seriously creating my winter holiday shopping list. I even managed to get one present today! This week I'm supposed to start working on the cards. Hoo boy. I really need to sit down and think if I really want to write and address 70 something cards. I like doing my best to make them personal but at that rate... I might was well stamp "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas", draw a happy face or a heart, and sign my name, lol. I have to think about it some more.
This shopping would be so much easier if we had those devices that would instantly create whatever we wanted out of thin air. I know what I would like to get, it's just a matter of where from? Lol, oh well.
Has anyone else thought of these things yet? See you tomorrow! <3
Wednesday, November 3
246. Fall Back
I guess my cleaning and rearranging in real life would eventually translate into my virtual reality. It just makes sense, right? It's kind of like spring cleaning with a nostalgic twist.
In further preparation for the upcoming expansion to our game, I- being dragged out of my unofficial retirement- have been delving through files, creating lists (because I love to do so), updating the roster and the ranks within it, and today of all days decided to tackle our guild bank. Well, I tackled my own bags and personal banks first. I have been at this game for about five or so years now and have collected quite a few pixelated items along the journey. My main character even has a "modest" arsenal of dress up clothes that serve no purpose other than to amuse me.
I cheered when they finally incorporated a system that absorbed our vanity/ companion pets and ridable mounts so we would no longer have to store it in our limited personal banks. Now, I've thoroughly decided that I will hope for some sort of closet to store my costumes. Even if it just stores exclusive holiday gear, I'd be over the moon with happiness.
This was the first time ever that I was determined to purge my inventories. Other times, I shifted things around on different characters just to make a few spaces. No longer. I wanted for my guild and myself to start off fresh with this revitalization. I've had such a hard time letting go of a lot of memorabilia at the cost of what I needed in the present. It may sound a bit silly but many of those things heralded from a time that I thought was the best times of my life thus far. How do you just delete all traces of a written note from an old friend or that silly useless item with the funny name that you've laughed about for hours with company that has long gone? I'm having a hard time now, but it's done and it would be silly to try to get them back. In a way, those may have been the good old glory days but there are plenty of good times still to come. I can't be weighed down with trying to hold onto my past at the price of missing out on my future.
This was one of the last frontiers I was keeping in my back pocket full of "for old time's sake" and "what if it comes up one day?" I think I'm finally going to be okay with closing that chapter of my life. Well, okay as I'll ever be on each level of my life and person. Granted, I'm still the type of person to take a look back pretty often but I can do that with a few choice pieces and not every single little thing. I'm biting my lip and trying to keep my breathing steady as I write this. This is really mostly for me. I will be okay. No one is going to hold this against me and I don't have any reason to feel guilty or ashamed.
I've been tearing myself up about this for hours now. I need a break. :P Can you believe this is the easiest time I've had with cleaning house in this manner? Lol, see you tomorrow. <3
In further preparation for the upcoming expansion to our game, I- being dragged out of my unofficial retirement- have been delving through files, creating lists (because I love to do so), updating the roster and the ranks within it, and today of all days decided to tackle our guild bank. Well, I tackled my own bags and personal banks first. I have been at this game for about five or so years now and have collected quite a few pixelated items along the journey. My main character even has a "modest" arsenal of dress up clothes that serve no purpose other than to amuse me.
I cheered when they finally incorporated a system that absorbed our vanity/ companion pets and ridable mounts so we would no longer have to store it in our limited personal banks. Now, I've thoroughly decided that I will hope for some sort of closet to store my costumes. Even if it just stores exclusive holiday gear, I'd be over the moon with happiness.
This was the first time ever that I was determined to purge my inventories. Other times, I shifted things around on different characters just to make a few spaces. No longer. I wanted for my guild and myself to start off fresh with this revitalization. I've had such a hard time letting go of a lot of memorabilia at the cost of what I needed in the present. It may sound a bit silly but many of those things heralded from a time that I thought was the best times of my life thus far. How do you just delete all traces of a written note from an old friend or that silly useless item with the funny name that you've laughed about for hours with company that has long gone? I'm having a hard time now, but it's done and it would be silly to try to get them back. In a way, those may have been the good old glory days but there are plenty of good times still to come. I can't be weighed down with trying to hold onto my past at the price of missing out on my future.
This was one of the last frontiers I was keeping in my back pocket full of "for old time's sake" and "what if it comes up one day?" I think I'm finally going to be okay with closing that chapter of my life. Well, okay as I'll ever be on each level of my life and person. Granted, I'm still the type of person to take a look back pretty often but I can do that with a few choice pieces and not every single little thing. I'm biting my lip and trying to keep my breathing steady as I write this. This is really mostly for me. I will be okay. No one is going to hold this against me and I don't have any reason to feel guilty or ashamed.
I've been tearing myself up about this for hours now. I need a break. :P Can you believe this is the easiest time I've had with cleaning house in this manner? Lol, see you tomorrow. <3
Tuesday, November 2
245. Different Blends
The two boy cats in the house subscribe to very different beliefs. One will tolerate coexistence while the other is trying to demand interaction. The joys of a blended pet family. And by joy I mean aggravation at the most inconvenient of times. Three cats and a doggie and none of them get along well with each other. Eating each others' food; throwing it up in the middle of the night in the middle of the floor or high traffic pathways; provoking each other with a smack to the head/ face/ tail; and all the hissing, yowling, yelping, barking, and fur flying within mere seconds of a chance meeting.
I suppose it's like watching a few young children who are hell bent on landing themselves or each other in the emergency room. Well, ill-behaved children. Who were too cute to be disciplined and taught any rules or boundaries when they were younger. Lol. I've spent most of my life helping watch and raise children with occasional pets and I don't think I've had as much a problem handling it as I do nowadays. Thinking about this makes me grateful that working with teacher aides is a common practice in a special needs classroom, so I know I'll have some form of help when this comes up in that setting.
Sigh, we might have some sort of a reprieve for the time being seeing as how one of the cats just came into the living room and whined really loudly while checking out the scene. He must have lost track of our kitty. Thank goodness. I'm kind of getting tired of being woken up to fights twelve times an hour. Aside from the potential claws flying everywhere on top of you, they just make an awful heart-wrenching noise and have hurt each other before. We can't just ignore it but we don't feel that it's fair to keep each of them quarantined for the duration of their stays together.
I really wonder if I can live the life I want to once I'm actually out on my own. No random roommates or someone else's rules to live by and no one else to take into consideration with everything thing that you do at home. I'd like to decorate my own place for every season and holiday, organize each room the way I want to; keep things clean, sanitary, and non-expired; have people over only when invited and prepared for; take responsibility for anyone that comes from my household and be able to trust them further than I can throw them (lol); be proud and unembarrassed to have company directly due to my habits; not have to share the food and utilities I pay for; be as loud as I want when I want; and so much more. Okay, maybe I do want to be a bit of a homemaker when I severely lack the skills, but I'm working on those and getting there.
We spent the evening hanging out in the living room together watching the political results. Eh. Then the SO and I spent the rest of the evening rearranging my room. I'll probably regret it tomorrow but a lot of headway has been made and I'm glad I had moral support during this round because it seemed to be that much easier having someone else think for me when my brain wanted to crawl into a corner and weep with sorrow.
Time to get some rest now. See you tomorrow and hope that you rocked the vote!
I suppose it's like watching a few young children who are hell bent on landing themselves or each other in the emergency room. Well, ill-behaved children. Who were too cute to be disciplined and taught any rules or boundaries when they were younger. Lol. I've spent most of my life helping watch and raise children with occasional pets and I don't think I've had as much a problem handling it as I do nowadays. Thinking about this makes me grateful that working with teacher aides is a common practice in a special needs classroom, so I know I'll have some form of help when this comes up in that setting.
Sigh, we might have some sort of a reprieve for the time being seeing as how one of the cats just came into the living room and whined really loudly while checking out the scene. He must have lost track of our kitty. Thank goodness. I'm kind of getting tired of being woken up to fights twelve times an hour. Aside from the potential claws flying everywhere on top of you, they just make an awful heart-wrenching noise and have hurt each other before. We can't just ignore it but we don't feel that it's fair to keep each of them quarantined for the duration of their stays together.
I really wonder if I can live the life I want to once I'm actually out on my own. No random roommates or someone else's rules to live by and no one else to take into consideration with everything thing that you do at home. I'd like to decorate my own place for every season and holiday, organize each room the way I want to; keep things clean, sanitary, and non-expired; have people over only when invited and prepared for; take responsibility for anyone that comes from my household and be able to trust them further than I can throw them (lol); be proud and unembarrassed to have company directly due to my habits; not have to share the food and utilities I pay for; be as loud as I want when I want; and so much more. Okay, maybe I do want to be a bit of a homemaker when I severely lack the skills, but I'm working on those and getting there.
We spent the evening hanging out in the living room together watching the political results. Eh. Then the SO and I spent the rest of the evening rearranging my room. I'll probably regret it tomorrow but a lot of headway has been made and I'm glad I had moral support during this round because it seemed to be that much easier having someone else think for me when my brain wanted to crawl into a corner and weep with sorrow.
Time to get some rest now. See you tomorrow and hope that you rocked the vote!
Monday, November 1
244. Propositioned
Do you ever get the urge to vote just so the trash-talking advertising would stop?
We are kind of sick of seeing them and how down low it has gotten nowadays. We can barely understand anything that each of the candidates feel on any of the issues based on these endless clips and out of context quotes. If they are aimed at getting us to look at websites and articles then congrats it works. However, chances are, most people won't go through the trouble. This is regardless of how much trouble it may cause down the road. A very flawed system and tradition indeed.
I think that's the nicest I can be about the whole deal.
In lighter news, the SO asked if I was game to go out for breakfast food tomorrow and my nearly instant replay was: "OmgyesIloveyou!" I totally did not mean for it to come out as enthusiastically as it did, but I guess I'm really easy like that. Rofl. I even followed that up with a "Now if only I would accept a marriage proposal that energetically." XD It's only as funny as it is because it was a completely honest exchange and the SO said he wasn't surprised at all by any of it. Ah, I'm such a dork. Ignore the faint squealing you may hear, I'm just so excited about tomorrow.
To completely switch gears, as time goes on and the world keeps spinning, I realize how intense life can really be for everyone. It is still so stunning to see some people having the best time of their lives while others are going through the hardest situations anyone could have to go through in a lifetime at the very same moment. I know some people are have had a great time this past weekend, especially due to the festivities while I know people who are getting surgery and procedures to remove cancerous tissues and cells or mourning the recent loss of loved ones. The thing about heartbreak is relating it to muscles that must break before they rebuild stronger than ever. It is quite the whirlwind trying to take it all in and yet continue about our business. Normalcy is not just overrated but underrated and still is so frustrating. Is this really the pace that we build up to and spend the rest of our lives at? There is definitely something more for everyone than just getting by, whether it be here on Earth or elsewhere.
That's all I can think to say now and I'll see you tomorrow. <3 Keep hanging in there while striving to go beyond.
We are kind of sick of seeing them and how down low it has gotten nowadays. We can barely understand anything that each of the candidates feel on any of the issues based on these endless clips and out of context quotes. If they are aimed at getting us to look at websites and articles then congrats it works. However, chances are, most people won't go through the trouble. This is regardless of how much trouble it may cause down the road. A very flawed system and tradition indeed.
I think that's the nicest I can be about the whole deal.
In lighter news, the SO asked if I was game to go out for breakfast food tomorrow and my nearly instant replay was: "OmgyesIloveyou!" I totally did not mean for it to come out as enthusiastically as it did, but I guess I'm really easy like that. Rofl. I even followed that up with a "Now if only I would accept a marriage proposal that energetically." XD It's only as funny as it is because it was a completely honest exchange and the SO said he wasn't surprised at all by any of it. Ah, I'm such a dork. Ignore the faint squealing you may hear, I'm just so excited about tomorrow.
To completely switch gears, as time goes on and the world keeps spinning, I realize how intense life can really be for everyone. It is still so stunning to see some people having the best time of their lives while others are going through the hardest situations anyone could have to go through in a lifetime at the very same moment. I know some people are have had a great time this past weekend, especially due to the festivities while I know people who are getting surgery and procedures to remove cancerous tissues and cells or mourning the recent loss of loved ones. The thing about heartbreak is relating it to muscles that must break before they rebuild stronger than ever. It is quite the whirlwind trying to take it all in and yet continue about our business. Normalcy is not just overrated but underrated and still is so frustrating. Is this really the pace that we build up to and spend the rest of our lives at? There is definitely something more for everyone than just getting by, whether it be here on Earth or elsewhere.
That's all I can think to say now and I'll see you tomorrow. <3 Keep hanging in there while striving to go beyond.
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