Look at how big this kid is getting! We got a good look at its signature white wing tips today.

I love how this little family gives us the same bewildered look.

Baby looks half the size of mom! Good gravy.

This could possibly be the dad, I think.
He has those white wing tips too.

We've been spotting this guy in front of the house lately.

It's a pyrrhuloxia non-breeding male.

He and I did a little dance around the mesquite while I tried to get a better picture without the backlighting.

They are also known as the Desert Cardinal.
Yes, I was crouching all over the front yard and doing my best to zoom in.

While he never yelled at me, it got to 112 degrees today and he had his mouth open to cool off.

What are you doing, my good sir?

Protecting (this) my baby while it learns to fly of course!
Oh. Whoops. Sorry!
I don't know why, but I had a lot of fun checking out the birds in the front yard today. There are just so many critters out and about now during the daytime that it's fascinating. There are quite a few finches but the only pictures I could capture were of blurs or recently vacated branches. Ridiculous, lol. There was also something else that I was up to today that was pretty sweet, if I do say so myself.

It's my pleasure to introduce you to, Miss Beary Valentina!
She's enchanted to meet you, obviously. From my Amigurumi World book, I made the boy bear's scarf and changed the color of the girl bear's dress. She's not perfect, but she's mine, and I think that she's awfully pretty. Especially because this is my first crocheted animal critter. Her arms are angled a bit backwards and her legs were sewn on all wonky, but she looks like she's just mid-frolic. Lol. The scarf is removable and I'm thinking about giving her a hair accessory of some sort.
I'm so glad FMIL and I decided to grab the doll eyes. They are so worth it! Our colorful yarn collection is reaching scary proportions. Luckily, these toys don't require too much yarn, we can use the scrap from our past projects, and if the yarn we've gotten is exclusively for these critters, we have a solid few years supply. XD Oh dear.
I also started the next creature in the book, but only finished his widdle head before I started not to feel well.

It's a little baby male lion cub! I didn't see my big mistake with this until I had finished sewing on the mane. I put it going around the middle of his head instead of farther forward and now there's not a good spot to attach his body when I make it. Whoops! I'll figure something out. Hopefully. XD
I already had the embroidery floss from my friendship bracelets, we did have to grab some more needles, and we got some felt when we hunted for yarn. I'm happy my heads are becoming rounder! FMIL and I havent' quite figured out what we're making screwy, lol. I'll get a picture of her bear once she's done accessorizing it. It's also a bear.
Alright, I need to go lay down. My head is killing me and I can't dim the lights any further and still avoid running into furniture. :P See you soon! <3
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