Just wanted to share that I just participated in my first Speed Scrap on the Stuff to Scrap forums! I was mildly terrified but didn't have enough time to truly panic.

These are actually some pictures from the recent trip to Texas I've been mentioning for a few weeks now *cringe*. I'm nearly done with the digital scrapbook and it's almost 30 pages long. Phew! That's only about 45% of the notes and pictures I actually took. Craziness. This isn't the layout I'm using but I wanted to challenge myself while getting myself even more motivated to finish up this album!!
Here are some basic rules about the Speed Scraps:
"Starting at the top of the hour, the host will post your first instruction, followed by 1 more instruction every ten minutes through the hour.
At the top of the second hour. The host will post the last instruction and then you'll have 1 additional hour to finish and post your LOs.
Upload your layout to your gallery and the Speed Scrap gallery.
For instructions on how to include your LO image in your post, see the instructions HERE.
The instructions/steps are all pretty self-explanatory, but also remember that you can interpret them creatively.
After the 2nd hour, prizes will not be given out if posted after that time. So keep an eye on the clock, and see what you can do! Prizes are only awarded if you post your layout in the forum and gallery before the time is up.
Stuff to Scrap products are not required, but of course, we love it when you use them!!
You may use templates.
The host will re-cap all the instructions at the end of the hour."
At the top of the second hour. The host will post the last instruction and then you'll have 1 additional hour to finish and post your LOs.
Upload your layout to your gallery and the Speed Scrap gallery.
For instructions on how to include your LO image in your post, see the instructions HERE.
The instructions/steps are all pretty self-explanatory, but also remember that you can interpret them creatively.
After the 2nd hour, prizes will not be given out if posted after that time. So keep an eye on the clock, and see what you can do! Prizes are only awarded if you post your layout in the forum and gallery before the time is up.
Stuff to Scrap products are not required, but of course, we love it when you use them!!
You may use templates.
The host will re-cap all the instructions at the end of the hour."
This was hosted by Michelle of MDK Scraps. The first link on her name is to her blog and the second is to her store at Stuff to Scrap! Now that you have probably drooled over her work, you can be that much more jealous that the participation prize is a coupon for a free kit from her store! I had to get all over that since I've gone a tad kit-crazy lately.
These were the instructions that we got throughout the hour:
"Step 1: Pick 2 papers for the background. Place one on top of the other, making the top paper a little smaller so there is about a half inch border showing around your layout.
Step 2: Pick a 3rd paper. Rotate it diagonally (about 45 degrees) then move it up to the top left hand corner so that it is covering about 1.5-2 inches of the corner. (Basically creating a triangle "photo corner" covering the corner of the layout) Repeat this process to cover all 4 corners. (Tip: In most programs, if you hold down shift while rotating it rotates on a set axis and it's much easier to find the perfect rotation.)
Step 3: Choose 3 photos and place them in the middle area of your layout.
Step 4: Add 3 of any of the following behind your photos - paper strip, ribbon, ricrac, string, or stitching (example: on my layout I have a paper strip, a ribbon, and a ric rac stacked)
Step 5: Add at least 6 unique elements. Feel free to duplicate as needed.
Step 6: Create your own Word art. Use at least 1 element in or around your word art. (Tip: When I create word art, I open a blank document and type each word on a seprate layer. You can easily change fonts, sizes and locations of individual words until you like what you see. If you only want one word for your title/word art, try duplicating and arranging the word in several different fonts or fade the word repeated smaller in the background and place that word larger and bolder on top. I also really enjoy the "Definition" style word art where you basically create the word art as it would appear in the dictionary, or make up your own fun definition!)
Step 7: Add date and journaling if you want. Shadow and add finishing touches, then upload to the gallery and post your results in the forum as well."
Step 2: Pick a 3rd paper. Rotate it diagonally (about 45 degrees) then move it up to the top left hand corner so that it is covering about 1.5-2 inches of the corner. (Basically creating a triangle "photo corner" covering the corner of the layout) Repeat this process to cover all 4 corners. (Tip: In most programs, if you hold down shift while rotating it rotates on a set axis and it's much easier to find the perfect rotation.)
Step 3: Choose 3 photos and place them in the middle area of your layout.
Step 4: Add 3 of any of the following behind your photos - paper strip, ribbon, ricrac, string, or stitching (example: on my layout I have a paper strip, a ribbon, and a ric rac stacked)
Step 5: Add at least 6 unique elements. Feel free to duplicate as needed.
Step 6: Create your own Word art. Use at least 1 element in or around your word art. (Tip: When I create word art, I open a blank document and type each word on a seprate layer. You can easily change fonts, sizes and locations of individual words until you like what you see. If you only want one word for your title/word art, try duplicating and arranging the word in several different fonts or fade the word repeated smaller in the background and place that word larger and bolder on top. I also really enjoy the "Definition" style word art where you basically create the word art as it would appear in the dictionary, or make up your own fun definition!)
Step 7: Add date and journaling if you want. Shadow and add finishing touches, then upload to the gallery and post your results in the forum as well."
I am so grateful for the huge hints and tips that she gave us because I did not know what the heck I was doing and that saved me from what could have been hours of mental anguish. It gave me time to worry over figuring out other things- like how to post my layout! XD + T_T I didn't think that one through while I was sitting here an hour before the event started. Instead, of thinking about how to submit, I prepared by doing some laundry, vacuuming the room, and taking a shower. Lol. Way to go.
I had a lot of fun and am getting nice feedback about my results. I'm not in love with the page because of the issues I've already griped about, but I did really enjoy the process and trying new things. I have never had that many embellishments on one page before, the photo corners were new, and I never have been brave enough to layer pages before. My favorite part was learning a way to make my own word art. Exciting stuff!
This is the kit that I used not only for the Speed Scrap but for the album I'm working on: Lone Star from Seal Scraps!

I never thought I would be scrapping about Texas but how could I not grab this kit when we ended up going?
Alright, that's enough from me today. I need to get back to work! See you soon. <3
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