Oh man, I should just crawl in a corner and just stay there for the rest of day for that. XD
I guess I'm still a bit cranky because I just want to vent/ rant about negative things right now to someone/ somewhere, so you're my easiest victim! Well, I guess I could vent in a million FB status updates but then I'd highly annoy myself. I only tend to use those for thoughtful things I want to broadcast. I wish they wouldn't time out because I want messages like "Stay safe this holiday weekend. <3" to remain up during the entire weekend and not just 8-18 hours. Truly lame. See? Starting with the whining already.
It's another pretty warm day. Currently, it's 102 degrees but because of our amazingly high humidity (8%, sigh), it only feels like 96 degrees! It's times like these that I actually do not appreciate the extra moisture in the air because all we have at the house is an evaporative cooler and one standing fan to keep cool. Evaporation to keep cool doesn't work well when there's too much humidity in there air. :( So... it just feels like lukewarm thick air being vaguely circulated in the house. I try to keep the lights off to prevent the room getting even stuffier from the heat they generate and we have windows open around the house to try to encourage a cross breeze. I have no idea what we're going to do if monsoon season hits us hard.
Actually, I kind of do. We'll pray that the areas greatly suffering from the numerous behemoth wildfires get all the water and that not too many uncontrollable fires will be started by the lightning that also comes with monsoon seasons. Then we'll hope that there's not too much flash flooding while all the while being uber grateful we finally got precipitation this year. :D
What else? Oh! I am going absolutely stir-crazy because of these creepy-crawly bites on my right leg. I think we've come to the conclusion that the kissing got me first before he got the SO. However, it must have been during the day while I was trucking along with digital scrapbooking and my flip-flop was on while my leg was asleep. Two big and very itchy welts have formed on the inner part of my foot where the strap of my flip-flop usually is. Then a day later, another welt developed halfway up my shin. Ugh. I don't think it's really fair that I've controlled the urge to scratch the crap out of it/ gnaw my lower leg off and yet they all are getting worse. The shin-welt was about the size of a dime-size mosquito bite/ hive when I first noticed it, but now it's a good 2 inches in diameter in the reddish part and 3 inches in diameter in terms of being raised. They are swollen and dense and get worse when I put weight on it like... idk, walking around. T_T So frustrating. I keep applying itching cream and such and I'm not entirely convinced that allergy meds would help so I haven't risked drowsy-ing myself up yet but I'm getting really close to that point.
It was actually enough to wake me out of my passed out sleep during the wee hours this morning. All the sheets and pillowcases were washed as a part of doing laundry yesterday and it felt sooo amazing going to sleep after a nice shower in a warm bed. Ugh! So good.
... That's it! I'm taking half a pill now before I lose it and gouge my leg bloody! *angry fuming* The welt on my shin has almost gone across the front of my leg by now. This is ridiculous.
What else can I talk about to distract myself? Oh! I've organized my digital scrapbooking supplies a little more and the biggest things were adding my newest haul and then adding preview folders so I get a peek at what is where. I organized it into what website I got my supplies from and right now I've trimmed it down to Shabby Princess and Stuff to Scrap. I've also finally realized that just because something is free, doesn't mean I have to grab it. Just take and be grateful for things that I would actually use someday. I also started an Albums folder and a Resource folders for my projects and layout ideas, respectively. Within the site folders, I have kept it by designers (if there are any) or by kits. I did try to keep all my alphas together and all the patterned papers and so on together but that was way too much effort and I have really enjoyed using the coordinate pieces together.
Decided to take some screenshots to share! I'm pretty, if you really wanted to, that you can click on each picture and enlarge it. I labeled all of the preview folders "00 Previews" so they would stay in front. I like having things either by color or alphabetical. It would have been pretty ridiculous to organize these kits by color so by name it was!

Inside my Shabby Princess folder.

Inside my SP preview folder.
If the kit didn't have a preview file then I just took one of the papers that best represented what was in the kit.

Inside my Stuff to Scrap folder.
It's the only one that is not viewed as thumbnails because there are so many designers and I like to see them all at once.

Inside my STS preview folder, part 1 of 4.
Yeah, there are that many.

Inside my STS preview folder, part 2 of 4.
Can you believe that nearly everything in here was about $2?!

Inside my STS preview folder, part 3 of 4.
Their preview files come with the designer's logo so I didn't feel the need to do much more than shove them all in this spot.

Inside my STS preview folder, part 4 of 4.
Can you tell that I like rich coloring? I love how they often have previews of the entire kit and then previews of just the papers and such within each subsection.

Each designer had their own preview folder too.
The kits within each designer's folder is organized just like my SP folder.

This is what the inside of one of the kits usually looks like: Alpha, Elements, and Papers.
I tended to keep the folders that the designers created as is minus tweaking the names just to make it easier to find/ re-download or whatnot. Hopefully, this will help with the habit I have of clicking on every designer's folder and then within the the folders every time I want to find something. Sigh, my life is terribly tragic. :P I hope that this gets me to branch out with my style too.
Oh! I also realized yesterday that there was a coordinating collaboration kit from another designer! So, I grabbed that too, along with... oh heck. I'll just show you what I got yesterday too. XD

Even more of Texas! Lol.

One that has been on my wishlist and I used this trip as an excuse to grab it.

This mini kit was an add-on to the previous kit. Hooray!

Never thought I would but this kit is so fun, plus it was the designer's birthday so she was giving this away for free!

An add-on from one of my favorite designers, Scraps by Andrea.
For this month, her entire store is 50% off so I grabbed this!

SBA made this full kit after falling in love with one of STS's monthly themes.
Designers will collaborate using a specified palette and theme so you can build your own kit from the pieces they make for one low price!

This was a sweet freebie in honor of the full kit being rolled out this week and I wanted to give it a try.

My purchase made me qualify for this freebie of quick pages.
I don't use these often, but it's handy for a super fast project: find a kit you like, add your pictures, and add any journaling if you desire and you have a coordinated book!

The full-size kit that I picked for my participation prize from the Speed Scrap.
Isn't it so cute? The designer, Michelle was very encouraging to me and helpful.
All of those papers in indefinite amounts plus the tons of embellishments and I didn't even spend $13. That's actually a big price for me to pay at this store. I was just impatient about getting the Cowboy Up kit that I didn't wait for it to be on sale for half price. Oh yes, I am going to get into some trouble. The $2 Tuesday bin is my digi-scrapping vice.
Teehee, that makes me feel much less angsty now. I'm going to go play! And... maybe get some work done. : ) See you soon! <3
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