It's smack dab in the middle of summer and I am stunned that the year is more than halfway over. If I had money, I'd go have a mid-life crisis of some sort in protest of time trucking along.
I have barely a dozen layouts done for the FL scrapbook. That's just pictures and writing done too, none of the embellishments. I'm trying to digi-scrap more like I do with traditional materials. Where I sort out all of the pictures that I want to use, put them in groups based on chronological order, and then slap them onto pages as I figure out what I want to say about the event they represent. Once I have at least a decent amount of pages slapped together, I put the final touches on placement. The very last step is wracking my brains for embellishing the space I have left over. I would say there are about three dozen pages left to go. Oye.
I still haven't made forward progress on the monthly scrapping project. However, I think with this new order of trying to do pages like I would with physical materials, will unlock some energy within me to get them done faster. Maybe. Man, I cannot imagine trying to do this while pregnant, or with a newborn, or right after a wedding, or with kids, period. No wonder people are like at least 6 years behind. At least, when the kids get older, they can help. Especially putting together a childhood album for their 18th birthday/ heading off to college. Actually, I could probably get a few family members and other relatives to pitch in with that... You know, for the kids that I don't even have yet.
Slow down, crazy person, slow down.
I have no plant scrapbook from last year. I'm almost caught up with my monthly summaries here at least.
I have the pictures and rough storyboard for the Flat Stanley album from my trip to Florida in May. I still have not decided what size I want to make the album. I love having a small size for the tiny preschooler hands, but I know many kids would love seeing the maps I've collected of attractions. Binder rings pose hazards for kids, but three-pronged folders barely withstand typical use. I may go with some sort of 8x8 book. However, do I want to spend the money printing it? Oye, I just have to think about these things a lot more. Something between cost-effective but durable.
Are there other projects that you have tackled but seem to be dragging on forever? I hope to stop feeling under the weather and get out of this hazy mental state to tackle more. Chunk by chunk should help, right?

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