Not necessarily a new one, but I couldn't decide what I felt up for. Hm. Possibly a poor choice of words right there, LOL.
I was debating getting back to my aquatic-themed crocheting. I hit roadblocks on two new critters and it seems that walking away for a bit and then re-examining the pattern with fresh eyes often does the trick with yarn-related projects. I don't know if I'm that brave yet.
Super tempting to try because I've spotted a few more cool free patterns around the internet, like this. If you "Like" their Facebook page, you can see the picture of a ton of the Disney Princesses. I kind of melted. A bit pricey for me right now, but I know so many Disney lovers... Right now, the pattern for Merida from Brave and Rapunzel from Tangled are available.
Something else that has been eating away at me a little bit was inspired by that Florida scrapbook that I've been working on and my recent trips into the garage to the corner where I'm storing a lot of my stuff.
I've seen chunks of my crafting stash and I just really want to use some of it. Not just to play or anything, I mean to use it up once and for all to wheedle the amount down. I keep accumulating and not playing with enough of it. It needs to see the light! It made me really think about how I wish I had more crafting buddies nearby to tackle my collection with. That would be super fun and motivating.
Looked around online for ideas on how to use up my 12x12 patterned paper packs. After making for first 12x12 traditional album (took a whole two years), I don't think I'm terribly keen on making another one any time soon. I got these papers for 50% off, so it's not like it was a big investment or anything and I tend to like smaller items.
Part of me wants to find ideas for quick and simple gifts to make so I can crank them out assembly line style and add them to my gift stash. Then, I think about how many people I know who would actually use them and I'm discouraged again. Seriously, I need a crafting pen pal buddy or something.
Still haven't found what to do to satisfy this itch to accomplish a project though. Hopefully tomorrow with bring some inspiration that's leads to productivity.

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