Okay, that may sound like a crappy job, but when you love being a hostess, finger foods, and being involved behind the scenes- it's fantastic, lol.
She always tries really interesting recipes and just new things in general, so the food was great. I don't drink, but I've really enjoyed meeting some great ladies and just having real girl talk. Usually, we try a new place each month and that's been super fun too.
Prior to the other guests arriving, we finished cooking and cleaned a bit more. I snuck in pictures of her pretty kitties because... I'm a crazy cat lady in the making? You've seen them before, I adore visiting with them.

"You want me to move from my chair so you can do what with it?"

"That's great and all, but I'll just supervise from up here."

We also had a birthday gal there so there were sugar cookie-flavored cupcakes with amaretto whipped cream, fruits, chocolate-covered banana slices, and a toothpick candle. It was delicious!
We printed out recipes for martinis and posted them like a menu in a nook in the kitchen, internet radio playing in the background, and I had this really yummy drink. It was peach nectar with sparkling cider to imitate champagne but it just screamed summer drink. Loved it.
The night only became its strangest after our hostess gave me a ride back home. She, the SO, and I hung out for a bit in my room and I was trying to figure out a trick I learned for a quick costume.
After a few unsuccessful attempts to remember, I went to look up how to turn a t-shirt into a easy ninja mask. My brother does it all the time and it really came in useful when there was construction dust during my folks' renovation.
Anyways, I'm finally trying it out with those instructions in front of me and the SO disappears and suddenly reappears with his dufflebag of rock climbing gear. He hasn't done so in years while our friend is still very active in the sport. Not a huge stretch in terms of train of thought.
Within minutes, I'm somehow strapped into a harness and a ninja mask and we're seeing whether or not I'd be properly supported in it with the SO hanging into the latch as I start to squat into a sitting position.
The conversation never skipped a beat and none of us blinked an eye. I suddenly realized how utterly bizarre we must have looked at that very moment. For us that's completely normal thing to end up doing. Thinking back on it now I love that and find it hilarious. Almost wished someone had snapped a picture or walked in to see that.
I'm a bit of nerdy, geeky, and dorky - so are the people I love - and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

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