Today wasn't so bad. Had enough energy to clean the microwave in the teachers' lounge today, if that's any indicator of me trying to be a more positive person. It's a short week and while that means smaller paycheck down the road... I'm pretty close to completely accepting that. I cannot wait to sleep in again.
Lots of miscellaneous project bits done today. Tried to start writing my Christmas cards because I hope to send them and the majority of my gifts out within the first week of December. Yeah, that was a fail. I don't have a nice quality pen that doesn't leak, smell, or shine oddly/ look terrible. Hope to borrow a nice one from someone tomorrow.
Being booked for help with creative projects already and I am so excited! My fingertips are currently stained with ink right now. Yup. I hope all of my prior and early freaking out will pay off and I have enough room in the social calendar to go and have fun, spend time with great people, and help others! Free food and chocolate candies is a massive plus. Part of it is like vicariously shopping through others, but I'm such an enabler that they're excited to buy stuff too.
I'm near rambling with enthusiasm for things to come. Here we go.
Day 19: I am grateful for cute animal videos which are already good for a laugh. ♥ This red panda lost the game. It lost it so hard.

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