Was a bit exhausted (more than I thought I was) last night after a long day of the usual then heading over to my SIL's (sister-"in-law") house to help her decorate a bit for her Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, "sign-off" on the vegetarian menu as a big ole carnivore, and have many discussions about spirituality and girly things. Lots of fun and we lost track of time, lol.
I'm relieved to be home, as you can see from my daily gratitude status. I'm a fan of keeping it simple when life is simple.
In the meantime, FMIL has been determined to have the majority of her traditional-favorite Thanksgiving dishes for the intimate gathering tomorrow afternoon. Then, we'll head over to SIL's house to join in on her shindig. Plenty of leftovers will be had.
While I should be cleaning the dining area right now, I've been getting a (late) start on writing my Christmas cards. With a new box of envelopes, checking to make sure I had the majority of the necessary stamps, and finding a pack of writing utensils that were acid-free (so I can use it with scrapbooking too- hooray!), there was no more excuses. Just feeling under the weather today, so I really appreciated the "quiet" time sitting and cranking out about twenty cards.
Trying to do the ones that will be mailed out first, hopefully a batch will go out sometime in the next few days with a package or two. Wish me luck. I'm doing better with trying to be more positive, maybe even cheerful at times, but when my temper flares- the heat is intense. Also, deep. If that makes any sense for temperature.
I want to say that if we were in a better situation, I wouldn't feel as strong as I have been these past few months, but now I'm not so sure. There's a better chance of me being able to have more tolerance once I know have my own space to retreat to, but these feelings are never going away. I think they can only get worse. It'll be nice to truly have the option to tune out everything and everyone else and just be in my own world when I so choose.
Lol, yeah. I am not ready to be a parent any time soon at this rate! I'm digressing at a rate that suggest I'm more tired that initially determined. :P

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