It was a very squirrelly day (understandably) and I have barely woken up. The garden seems to be faring well (well, except the strawberries but hopefully it's just recovering from the transfer).
Day 26: I am grateful for all of the prep work that's been done because now I have more than half of the Christmas cards written, packed, and addressed- ready to go!
Started feeling under the weather, so I took it easy and casually worked on writing, packing up, and addressing just about half of the Christmas cards. There are a few cards that I'm still waiting to confirm addresses on and the rest are either a part of a bigger package, some for the SO's extended family (so we're waiting for more inspiration for heartfelt messages), and the majority remaining are cards that will be handed out in person. I'm granting myself leeway with getting those done.
I had a fun break of enabling a friend's Cyber Monday shopping for a solid hour sharing links back and forth and hunting down something that she fell in love with. It just makes me happy and gives me a taste of something I really love to do. I need to get back to those things. That positivity. Gotta stop wasting my time drowning myself in junk. Lol, 19 more work days until break! I just want to sleep in my own bed again...

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