I have no idea how it happens, but it seems I have a Midas touch. Except of turning everything I touch into gold, I somehow magically break every piece of technology I come in contact with. Which really sucks because I love technology and feel that I treat it pretty darn well. Apparently, it disagrees with my methods of pushing a few limits and cowers from my touch. *Shakes fist* Darn you, you new confounded gizmos and whozits!
I had the ipod-radio player-clock thing that the SO is letting me use suddenly stop responding to the remote and then in general. After walking away to blow off some steam by taking a relaxing shower, I wake back into my room and switch on the light, only to have the bulb short/ burn out. Really? I only have one floor lamp to provide light in here and it's a fairly new bulb too. My internet and laptop have been super fickle lately. I want to blame it on the almost stormy weather we're having, but I think my laptop is just on it's way out and developing the 'Itis. I have tried so many things short of reformatting my computer. Which, in my world, is not an option. All the scans, defrags, and backups I can think of to run. I was able to play my game for a little while, but eventually had to give up before I threw the whole thing out the window.
Oh, and while I was trying to sort things out after yet another scan, my mouse batteries died on me. There's a love-hate relationship with cheap batteries. It's great to have a million of them on hand, but you really need to have a million because they're going to run out fairly quickly, lol. To top it all off, while I'm trying to text or call the SO to rant about all of this and to grab some sympathy, my phone lost service or decided to drop the call despite having 3 out of 4 bars several times within one hour. Really, tech gods? Really?! Haven't I sacrificed enough hours full of blood, sweat, and tears for your cause? What more do you want from me? You probably already have ownership of all my future children, whether I/ you like it or not. Why have you forsaken me?!
... /sob.
Was there a good note today? Hm, still no caffeine. Oh! I was able to work hard in my game and, after two days, was able to create in-game companion pets to give to the SO. One of my characters is an engineer by trade and they were a little Bombling and Lil' Smoky robot pets. I was proud of myself since she's still a baby toon in my eyes. That and when I'm playing with an average of 1 frame per second, I'm pretty proud of myself for hanging in there and not ripping out my hair by the roots. It is no fun trying to play a slide show.
The FMIL and I did a pitstop at JoAnn's and each picked up a cute border punch! Got to love 30% off paper crafting tools. I got one for my holidays cards and she picked up one that could double as a bubbly border or one of lace. So cute! I have to pick myself up one at a later date. I also found a Cuttlebug A2 size embossing folder because I figure that I should at least have one to go with my machine. You'll see me use it in a project in the near future.
Here is a picture I snagged on the way home of what the stormy skies and sun setting created:

Keep in mind that we're driving and that big stick in the middle is actually the antennae of the car in front of us. That is a good amount of zoom! XD But look at that! There is so much green on the mountain- it's unbelievable. The desert landscape has really appreciated the recent rain and is begging for more as it blooms.

This was a little later as the sun was really setting. My camera never ceases to amaze me. This is through a screen in my window. After a test shot or two, it realized I didn't want it to focus on tiny mesh squares and focus beyond it! Even on one of the lowest quality settings. I just love the vivid light being cast on the mountain in contrast to the ominous sky.
During this time I set to work on finishing my thank you cards for my recent trip back to Florida. I had put them together before my trip and for some weird reason thought that I would get to them while I was still there. Yeah, no dice. Ten thank you cards and one upcoming birthday card are written, sealed, and ready to go out! I'm pretty darn proud of myself. These are the first thank you cards that I have ever written ever! Or, in netspeak: EVAR!!! :D I'm pretty fluent. I hope they ship well. I love having a little variation to a set of cards. It satisfies my need to not make the same exact thing over and over again. I get too bored of my projects when that happens. I think I'm going to spoil the surprise this one time and post pictures!

Love my velvety sage green/ grayish-mint blanket? Well, it's the best you're gonna get for a while, lol. I used patterned paper from Die Cuts With a View (DCWV)'s Flower Shower: Spring Stack. The flowers were cut with my Cricut using the... Create a Critter cartridge. Ugh, my brain hurts trying to remember and find all of this. It was almost two months ago that I made these one night! I was messing around and borrowed a corner punch from the FMIL so I have no idea what it is, sorry, lol. And the cardstock and brads are, I believe, Recollections- a pretty generic brand found at Michael's.
I wanted to give my lovelies in Florida a little taste of the Southwest with the teal and brown, but remind then that's it's not a barren desert by adding the punch of color with the flower that pops up every now and again!
I like it and I'm still learning, so sue me. :P
I was just putting in an order for SU supplies that will finish my list for the upcoming winter holiday cards I wanted to make for everyone and did my first rough calculations. It's upwards of 50 cards. Yes. Fifty. I'm freaking out too. Probably more than you are. LOL. What. On Earth. Did I get myself into?! You know what? It'll be okay because I shall start early, keep it fairly simple (simple in my eyes which is slightly more than what's actually simple), and use tons of great products. And everyone shall love it. Or suffer the consequences, Rofl. But really, you better love it if you manage to get one because I think I'm going to start crying myself to sleep tonight dreaming about the process. Just to get a head start.
Bed, hold me. The rest of you, see you tomorrow! <3
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