Hm. We watched a bunch of survival shows on the Discovery Channel today. :D The SO and I determined that we would most likely die very soon under similar circumstances for lack of skills and knowledge, but that I would probably die first with being surrounded by vegetation. This is, of course, not considering the fact that we may die from lack of internet. :P
I finally got to start on my next learning craft project! It's another project inspired/ taught by Laura Denison at Following the Paper Trail. It is a gatefold paper bag mini album. The link of the project's name will lead you to her YouTube channel showcasing a Christmas album made in that fashion. Two days ago, I decided I was going to try to make one and began prepping the bags and connecting pieces. Yesterday, I decided that the album was going to be about the kitty and printed out a few of the nicer pictures of him. He is such a handsome boy! Lol, we joked about how we could talk about him like he was our kid- maybe make some wallet size prints to carry with us and shove into people's faces at awkward times? XD
But before I get more into that, I wanted to share a few pictures of today's sunset! Because we know how much I love the sunsets out here. Well, just about anywhere!

At first the actual sunset didn't seem all that interesting, especially being hidden by the uncharacteristically overcast skies. But off to the... north(?), there were spots of color that seemed like mini sunsets! It was really bizarre and cool to imagine that we had multiple smaller suns that set at the same time. /content sigh. I just love it all.
Mmk, speaking of loves, here are a couple of pictures I snapped of what I've been able to piece together so far. It's honestly not much. T_T...

There is no cover yet, but I scrounged cardboard pieces from old moving boxes as my base!

There is endless space tucked into this project! Each paper bag page has a cardstock connector. I'm point to where I'm definitely putting a handmade journaling tag for each page to gush about our little man.

Here is the tag that was inside that connector, complete with pull tab.

I'm going to add more pictures and/or journaling on the back of each tag.

Here's the main section of this page with more journaling space for what was/is the bottom of the paper bag!

Here is me showing that I'm going to stick more pictures (I'm just not quite sure how) and things inside the paper bags because they still open! See what I mean by oodles of room?

Of course Blogger has to go and auto-rotate one picture in today's batch. >_< Well just showing you that on the back of the main section, will be the next page's connector and I haven't even gotten the back of my first two bags done. I have no idea what I'm going to put there, there is so much room!
Isn't that amazing? There's a summer-y quilt motif going on because I was so excited to start working on it, that I grabbed my little photo mat paper pad and decided to chop out little pieces instead of using whole sheets of my 12x12. Nice compromise, huh? I love how my two pages look so far. If you see in the video, a gatefold album swings one side open then the next. So, once I get the covers made and attached, you'll open up the bigger left cover, then the smaller right and see a connector on each side. Open both of those and you see the first page on the left, lift that to fully see the page on the right, pull that away and see two connectors again. You hopefully get the idea because I constantly forget it and get all bent out of shape trying to keep my album pieces in order. the back cover is one big continuous piece.
Not only is this a whole new idea for me, but especially the quilt work-paper saving idea, having pockets, and doing tags! I've never done them and I think I wrote a few days ago... that or I was discussing it with/ to the SO (bless his heart, he is not really into arts and crafts at all but respects that it's incredibly important to me), about how I didn't think I liked the idea. Not that it didn't look great and had many possibilities, but I feel (actually, I still do- lol!) that they would get mixed up or lost way too easily. I really hope not, because I'm quickly falling in love with the album and I have so much more to do!
I decided to try to not go too crazy and stuck with a total of six bags, three on each side. The only type of lunch sacks that we had on hand were actually giant-sized. Not my name for it, that's what was on the label! They are huge! No wonder these boys are so big! Rofl. So the connectors aren't quite the ideal size but that's fine with me for now. A little downside to all of this is that I did not preserve the bags to make them acid-free so they will not last a million years. This will be my first album that's not going to be in page protectors or covered in any way. I am going to not let this thing out of my sight once it's finished! Lol, but not like it being in my hands is going to keep it out of danger. XD
Teehee, before I forget: the cardstock for the connectors is Night of Navy from Stampin' Up, the journaling cardstock is Recollection's Ivory, and the patterned paper is this adorable(!!!) matstack called Summer Dream by Die Cuts With a View (DCVW). I'm just using the super tacky red tape by Provocraft and Tombo's monoadhesive. I'm sorry, but I think that this project is turning out insanely cute and it doesn't even have embellishments! It blows my mind, but that's how I did all of my stuff not too long ago, so idk why I'm so stunned, lol. I love it and if you guys have any questions or want me to walk you through making your own, I have no problems with that at all!
I can't wait to do all of the journaling too. I have so much I want to put that I may have to type it out and add it! Or something. It's mostly going to have little blurbs about the kinds of things our kitty likes or likes to do. I don't think I could/ should fit little stories in, but that's fine because it gives us something to say/ talk about when people are perusing the album. :D
Well, I'm going to stop myself from gushing any more today. See you tomorrow! <3
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