I did quite a few big girl things today. Payments went through for classes as well as previous student loans and we made it to my passport renewal appointment early, so that was taken care of too! Little trouble finding the place because the particular post office that I made my appointment with was actually inside a bank building. ... What? Yeah... Lol.
Still working on the whole teaching thing. Fingers crossed and tons of phone calls to make. : )
I think one of the best parts of today was getting yummy breakfast foods for lunch! Breakfast foods are my favorite real food (I know I've mentioned it already :D). Hot chocolate with country potatoes, hickory-smoked bacon, a cheese omelet, and waffle with strawberries. Mmm... and for less than seven bucks.
This was at a place called Village Inn. much like Denny's or IHOP. My biggest gripe against them has been their outdated decor but today we saw that they were working on that. The colors are being spruced up slowly but surely with modern pastels. Lots of spots with halos of tiny dots, very cute. The best part of this was that they had window clings on the doors saying things like "vi :)" "hi :)" and "vi :)" "bye :)". I want them. So badly. By the registers in the cake/ pie case, there were these lovely do-dads that I just HAD to get!

What are the chances of all of this?! Too hilarious. Even though I don't physically feel it right now, I am filing today under a total WIN! :D See you tomorrow. <3
P.S. Happy Friday, the 13th!
awwh i love the mug! and so jealous about your breakfast :-/ breakfast is my favorite meal, any time of the day. lol. well i'm glad you had such a great day! i miss you!!!