I suppose with the growing popularity of letting people you know exactly what you're doing (status messages), when you're doing it (updates by the second), and how you're doing (instantly sharing photos), it was only a matter of time that showing exactly where you're doing came about.
The was the ever-growing trend of the FourSquare application that, with a click/ tap of a button, you could instantly post a map of where you are at that very moment. Facebook has implemented their "Places" feature in which friends (or friends of friends and anyone in any of your networks, for that matter) can find out where you are logging from. Maps, GPS coords and all. On a lighter note, don't check on your farm crops while you're at your secret lover's place! The one this about this that bugs me the most is that when this feature was implemented, the settings associated with it was defaulted into the on position. If you would like to turn off this lovely feature, log in, go to your account and notification settings, find the "Places" section towards the bottom of the list and un-check both of the boxes, This is also where you can disable many of the text message and email notifications that Facebook bombards you with every hour.
Oh, the icing on the cake is that not even an hour after the SO and I took care of the FB issues and I sent out a little message warning to a few people, he gets an email from Google Latitudes that lets him know that he was currently broadcasting via GPS on this cell phone his current whereabouts. As freakishly scary as that it, I do appreciate Google letting him know within 24 hours of it starting. /Disgusted sigh. What is the world coming to?
Alright, let's get to better news. I've been working on a mini album for a family friend and think that I may have finally finished! Here are the mats:

Metallic brads

My first set of Prima Flowers

Horse-themed Charms

Pack of paper (I'll add the specs later)

And the suede album! Soft...
- - - - -
These are a portion of the results because I refuse to post all of the pictures for fear of insanity:

Personalizing it just a little.

Bookmark with necklace charm and jump rings put together to make a chain. Gotta love Blogger deciding to rotate images.

Flowers secure to album's magnetic enclosure.

Spaces for journaling.

I included little note cards dictating what size photos the mats each fit.

Mostly simple 4x6 prints to make finishing this album as painless as possible.

Sweet charms and other embellishments.

Really Blogger? Really? /Sigh.

So sweet and simple.

Pretty scrap ribbon + random diamond buckle + red tape = Great cheater method bow. No knots needed!
Well, I like it. It was a fairly simplistic project to develop, putting it together was made a tad more difficult because of the fact that I'm weird. I hope they like their present! We're adding a big card signed by all of us and she also gets to pick out a pattern for a customized handmade afghan. :D
Now, I get to play even more and work on learning how to make a paper bag mini album about our kitty! Can't wait! See you tomorrow. <3
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