Friday, August 31

The Holiday Season

As a crafter, especially after dipping my feet into direct sales for supplies, I realize how useful it is to prepare Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all the way in August.

Yeah, I used to think that it was completely insane too.

It still is to some extent, I can barely plan what I'm may have for my meals next week when we're grocery shopping. However, if you can bring yourself to do it- it has done wonders.

It's no secret that I'm a planner and list-maker my nature. Doing all of this (okay, not all but a heavy chunk) while there's a lull in holidays and events has freed up so much time and stress when the holiday season drops on you like a ton of bricks.

A combination of a few things have gotten me thinking about it again. I have been so good in not ordering and pretty much finishing assembling our Holiday cards this month. I also went a mini ladies' happy hour after school today and many of them were already pretty set on some big personal changes a year from now.

My folks have been asking if I'm coming to visit this Christmas. I know that they want me too, but I think I might want to take that time to catch up a lot of my own goals that will be put onto the back burner with my new job. I really do love visiting- for the most part (because it's still dealing with family) lol.

My delirium this week has really hit some level on the nerve that drives me to dive head first into researching something even if I'm already in the middle of a completely unrelated project. Usually, I can reign myself back in if I'm enjoying what I'm doing and have a bit of a deadline. That's been irrelevant for the past week and it's almost scary to see myself go a bit nuts trying to find the answers I want.

One of the things I saw in my blog reader feed sparked the research and reading I've been doing for the past few hours. I honestly didn't realize two hours had gone by. Sigh.

A little over a week ago, I briefly mentioned Becky Higgin's Project Life. While oogling over the new product lines she's coming out with, I happened upon rave reviews of Ali Edwards' work. Namely, the "December Daily" project. The basic idea is to record moments each day from Dec. 1st until Dec. 25th- of course, it's entirely up to the crafter how to adapt. Fascinating to see her work and thoughts for the past few years.

The season drives me insane but I still love it oh so much. I hope that this year will be full of more memories and new traditions created while continuing to streamline all of the processes that give me loads of stress. Cheers to that, right?

Thursday, August 30

Bugged Out

It is probably a good thing to be exhausted at 7:30pm, just doesn't feel that way. Lol.

Watched the new kids interact with each other and nature outside today. It really enforced how much they are finding their insect science unit exhilarating. They were catching grasshoppers and a praying mantis to show the teacher and each other.

As much as it creeped me out when they hopped in our direction, I really admired their gall and accuracy. It wasn't the best day for many folks, but after a series of various events, I wanted to think of what else I could do to give back.

I settled on trying to make a bug hunt scrapbook of sorts for the kids to show off their finds. After quick shopping after school, I didn't find what I wanted so went with the quick and simple route. Got a binder, made a title page, found and typed up questionnaire about insects, and added pages for the kids to paste pictures or illustrate. I hope it's useful.

Not what I originally envisioned, but that's okay because it's done and ready to go tomorrow. Not only is it pay day, but the beginning of a long weekend! Woohoo!

Wednesday, August 29

That Balance

Need to find that balance of doing what I need to do while making time for what I want to do again.

I was worried I would be a lost wanderer once my hours were over, but I have found more than enough to do and plenty of people who could use my help.

Biting off slightly more than I can chew with each day's challenge, but think that once I'm more well-rested, it'll be easier.

At the same time, I want to keep that enthusiasm up when I get home for all of the projects I tend to do. Right now, I'm namely talking about scrapbooking.

While I'm catching up on sleep slowly but surely, I haven't made nearly as much progress as hoped on the pages I wanted to have done. I just so badly want that big album done so I can attack smaller more manageable projects that I've had stirring in my brain. So many ideas that I want to capture- I just need to make the time for it!

We had a going away dinner for one of the brothers who will be off on his own in a different state for the first time! While we're not the closest, we do wish him all the best and hope that this is a major turning point in his life.

After a long day at work and volunteering, brought home more work to do for one classroom so that I'd be totally available to volunteer in a different one tomorrow. I better not do something dumb like burn myself out.

I'm not sure what kind of energy I've been running on for the past few days. Some odd mixture of nervousness and delirium?

Either way, I have to get back to it! Not too shabby for a first week. : )

Tuesday, August 28

Sealed Goodness

Felt better today. Found a lot of busy work to do and a few people to help while volunteering today.

It's funny how many people look up to you when you can load the laminator. I totally wish I had one of those, a color laser printer, and a picture communication card-making program. I would make so many booklets for kids to use.

For hours, that's all I was doing. Helping with lamination and cutting away the excess. I cannot wait to see the results with the kids routines and behaviors!

Feeling good about helping those in need is breaking through my weariness. It's also nice to think about making things that will last for quite some time or at least be well loved.

Monday, August 27

Creepers Call

Sharing some pictures of creepy crawlies we've seen over the past few days. Maybe the recent rain has brought out the critters? I haven't identified any of them yet and you've been warned of potential grossness.

Possible cousin of recluse. :(
(Some sort of crab spider, we think)
Grasshopper thinger. Those eyes, lol!
(Clip-winged Grasshopper)
Big lizard next to our driveway.
(Desert Spiny Lizard, I believe)
 Wolf Spider on back porch tonight.
Big ole rainbow as your reward for making it through the critters.

Sunday, August 26

Gangnam Style

Felt like being a bit silly tonight on the blog.

I'm a bit nervous about starting tomorrow. Went and bought lunch supplies for school today, lol. Praying that I can get some sleep tonight and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed tomorrow morning.

This is one of the latest internet crazes, it's a k-pop (Korean pop) song by PSY: Gangnam Style. It's a visually silly music video but I'm used to goofy and Asian things.

The lyrics romanized and translated into English, lol.

The female lead dancer is also an K-pop artist and released a sister version of the song.

For good measure, A FineBros's video of Teens Reacting to Gangnam Style.

Saturday, August 25

Keeping Up The Good

Stayed up way too long yesterday and when I woke up there was a chain of short events that got me pretty worked up.

However, it's all done and over with now and I had to keep telling myself that there was no point in expending so much energy in getting angry and I had to remember my core feelings on the matter, which were positive.

The only one that really gets the short end of the stick are me, closely followed by those that I actually care deeply about, so there is really no point. Have to keep telling myself that. Over and over again. Often. Lol.

The man who's been the personality of Count von Count on Sesame Street, Jerry Nelson, recently passed away along with the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. It's so odd to hear the names that you grew up with dying and I'm not even middle aged yet. I don't want to think of what the future has in store for similar matters.

I also don't want to keep worrying so much about the impending Tropical Storm Isaac that has shut down the schools on Monday in my home county. Even though they are beginning to prepare themselves as if it may escalated with their Hurricane parties, I still can't help but pray for their safety.

There was a going away dinner for one of the brothers tonight. He's heading to the Bay area for new school adventures, so FMIL and I set up a collage poster of his kitty cat. The fat striped cat is going to live with another brother in his new place. That brother was not able to make it to dinner tonight due to a health scare with his girlfriend. It was a flurry of activity to be sure.

I am getting pages done for scrapbooking, so I've been fulfilling that goal. However, I just want to do more! Got to get back to the grind.

Friday, August 24

The Signs

Last night, I was wondering aloud to the SO about all of the random occurrences that have happened in the past two weeks verbally and visually.

Had a feeling that it meant something more and was an answer to at least one of the pleas that I've been sending out into the universe. I think many of these answers come to me when I decide to throw my hands up and throw myself into reaching out to help others. What better way to help oneself?

Today, I may have been figuratively hit in the face with an answer. I got a phone call today offering a somewhat stable part-time job. It's very few hours, but it's everyday and my foot in the door, so I took it. I start Monday!

It will interfere with my substituting and I didn't process that right away, but having something regularly is also motivation for me to get out of bed each weekday. That's something that I've started to lose until I started helping out others online the past few weeks.

The idea of having even a small regular income is... astounding to me.

I'm still stunned and need to process it a bit more. It's only for two hours a day, but it's a start! I'll probably end up volunteering my time when I'm not working doing odd jobs around the school. Such a blessing.

Here are some pictures from sights we've seen over the past few days from the backyard.

 Cooper's Hawk.
Very brave. Zoomed in all the way with my camera from the door.
 Mixture of clouds around sunset.
 We loved the different textures.
It didn't amount to much until several hours later when we had a good soak storm.

Thursday, August 23

Recording It

While it still feels pretty gross out and that helped keep me in a bad mood, I let myself get distracted (from feeling overwhelmed) by the garden today.

I just dropped whatever I was doing (can't even remember what that was now) and went outside to do some work. Trimming dead plant matter, pinching off sucker branches on the tomatoes, checking to see if anything was thirsty, and weeding in and around my garden area.

It felt good.

Wasn't the most fun, but it was work and it was rewarding to me. A bit of instant gratification with pride in my little plants and how hard they've worked to hang in there this year. I need to learn more about that from them. Yeah, we may not be in the best of shape, but we're doing the best we can given the circumstances and will last until better times come along.

After, I felt refreshed enough to finish whatever else I was doing and then set down to start working on the scrapbooks again in earnest.

I have an album that's a digital representation of one I made for our kitty that's done. I'm so mad that I experimented with Mod Podge on the experimental paper bag gatefold album. It ruined it despite my attempts to make it non-stick again. That's done and decorated minus a final note from the crafter page I've been adding to all of my scrapbooks. It's not up to date in terms of kitty, but I only went as far as I had with the original album.

No progress on the monthly two-page layout album yet, but I was writing notes down based on blog posts, my planner, and the pictures I had. Also made a personal promise to not be so anal about getting those pages "just right" and focus more on getting them done.

Got back to work on that Florida album. Need to finish decorating it, convert it into a format my folks can view, tweak what I need to based on their feedback, send it off to the printers, and assemble the final product. I'm pretty sure that's the home stretch for this project but it seems so daunting! I'm around the teens but there are over fifty pages in this one to decorate. I will get it done! I will - I will - I will!

When that gets done, since it's my most daunting in size, I hope to go into a recording frenzy. Found some videos that are partly helping me stay motivated in my mission to record these memories and details but on some level makes me feel like I'm a bit of a failure to be so far behind. Gotta focus on that silver lining and positive thinking!

I'll probably share more of Becky Higgins' videos in the near future because I would love to try her products for Project Life.

Wednesday, August 22

Worth It?

This vlog has hit home on so many levels and I've been struggling with this issue more lately since I've had to start explaining my choices and current environment to others. Plus, we've been relating and comparing notes to as- has it really been worth it?

That means I haven't been able to push it as far into the back of my head as I normally do.

In this case, we're spring-boarding off of the issue of higher education but the discussions around me lately have started branching off into lifestyle choices in general. Such as with romantic love.

The past two weeks have really grounded my Significant Other (the SO) and I to remind us that we'd rather choose love over money. We like to think that we're reasonable people and that may seem to go against that but passion and love for one another surpasses our desire to be enveloped in say a ruthless corporate world.

That is not to say we wouldn't be willing to sacrifice and compromise over bigger issues in finances, but only that we're very grateful for what we have found in each other and together. I think that's a pretty good note to end the day on. : )

Tuesday, August 21


This little thing made me start to hyperventilate.

The SO caught him before he burned himself on a lamp and was showing it to kitty when he thought I should hold onto it.

That didn't bode over well for me.

Sometimes I'm fine with holding a few nice bugs, even petting them from time to time, but many times I've stereotypically freaked out. Neither of us like creepy-crawlies touching us without our permission, but it's gotten pretty bad with me lately. I used to be able to squish roaches but recently I've opted to trap them until someone else takes care of the issue. 

I realized being forced to confront my smaller fears has gotten pretty badly. At first, he was lightly teasing me with the bug. Suddenly, I started sobbing about how I didn't want it to touch me. We talked about it and it's not like I screamed and ran but it got me thinking about why this has gotten so intense. It was irrational for sure.

Maybe it has something to do with the state of my mental health nowadays. Lots of self-reflection about that ahead. As you can see, I calmed down and tentatively let the moth climb on. It waited on the SO the entire time we were talking and didn't want to leave either one of us. I let it go outside and later on, it came back in. It must be some sort of sign that I haven't figured out just yet.

Oh well. Back to finishing up laundry!

Monday, August 20

Another Monday

Big storm that swirled around us during the sunset.

1.) Mood:
Anticipatory. I'm not sure what I'm expecting, but it's something- lol.

2.) What was your favorite board game as a kid?
I loved Mouse Trap, but wish there were alternative setups. I played a lot of Monopoly because it seemed more involved than other games and I was never good.

3.) Do you like your current hairstyle/color?
I'm fine with my color because it's my natural one, but I really need a trim and to thin it out significantly.

4.) Current nail polish:
Still bare. Wanted to have a fun color for my birthday, but was too sick to do anything.

5.) When is the last time you went to a theme park?
The last time was with my family a year ago. Oye, I need to finish scrapbooking that. If Disney Quest counts, then that or Hollywood Studios.

6.) Current outfit:
Relaxing around the humid house means cotton shorts and a Mountain Dew tee in the new "vintage" style.

7.) You're at a movie theatre... what snack do you get?
Buttered popcorn with Skittles or Junior Mints.

8.) What is one makeup tip you wish you knew 2 years ago?
Using a brush to apply my foundation. Plus, how to clean subsequent dirty brushes.

9.) What is a really classic/popular movie you have never seen?
The Godfather. I've seen chunks, but I'm a scaredy-cat like that.

10.) Weekly goals:
Sleep more consistently, update the garden tab here on the blog, and getting a dozen scrapbook pages done.

Sunday, August 19


Rejuvenating my spirit today.

It's been wonderful to relax, listen and share beautiful music, and I started working on scrapbooking again in earnest.

Feeling much better and then there was a big storm today. I think that's what really did it for us in terms of putting us into a good mood again. Such power and beauty. I sounds like quite the hippie, lol.

I'm going through my planner and blog to figure out what I want to scrapbook about for our monthly review, then I shall tackle updating the garden monthly summaries, and maybe I'll get back to decorating the family vacation scrapbook again soon.

Here are some songs from some of my favorite artists: The Piano Guys!

Saturday, August 18


I feel significantly more like a human today, so we were able to go out to eat yummy breakfast foods for dinner to celebrate my birthday.

There's a lot of catching up to do with chores but I'm more than happy to start up again because it means that I can! The weather's been humid enough for it to by stuffy inside and there have been hints of mosquitoes. :(

Our kitty has put on a little weight and we're keeping an extra vigilant eye on his emotional and physical health. Hate feeling a bit helpless. I love that furry little boy so much.

Luckily, I have been able to virtually hang out with new friends for the past few nights and it reminds me how easy it can be to connect to someone so far away. It's been rejuvenating to see new things, hear different perspectives, and get still understand it all on some fundamental human level. It may get tiring and frustrating at times, but that's the lesson I hope to take away from it all.

Friday, August 17

Almost There

Still recovering but got significantly more rest. I'll be fine soon enough. : )

Thursday, August 16


Last night was absolutely miserable.

I tried to get a solid night's worth of sleep and ended up getting none. Luckily I had a bit of nap earlier because between then and bedtime- I began coughing so hard that I cramped up back muscles.

It took the entire night to stretch it back out and rest in between coughing fits. Was feeling so much better earlier in the day too. Other compounding health things just sucked.

Prayed for everyone who have chronic back pain due to injuries and illness. My heart broke for them when I felt I could barely function last night.

Took some medicine and it knocked me out for the day, so I'm up now for a little while in hopes of gaining back some semblance of a sleep schedule tonight.

Wasn't the best way to spend my birthday, but I cannot thank the SO and FMIL enough for doing their best to help me through. Also appreciated the well wishes, birthday wishes, texts, and voicemails from loved ones.

Wednesday, August 15

Birthday Crud

Still feel like poo today. Spent last night hanging out and helping friends, FMIL took me out for lunch, volunteered for a little bit at school, grabbed some Cold Stone ice cream, and took a nap. We will probably go out to a fun dinner this weekend when I feel better and can taste things again. :P

In the meantime, this is a birthday-themed video I wanted to share that I thought was funny. Especially because people want to think that I'm secretly like this. Sorry, I'm much more boring than that, lol. Language-warning.

Tuesday, August 14


I've been trying to avoid this, but the sinus pressure has gotten to the point where I just need to eat soup, drink juices, and lay down. I'm almost better though!

Monday, August 13


No Monday Questionnaire this week.

I took a look at it and most of the questions are not relevant for me so the answers would be pretty lame.

This head cold is just getting in the way.

I want to so something for my birthday- heck, even trying out a new restaurant, but I can't wrap my brain around any ideas after I come home from work.

The kitten and our cat have minimally butted heads but there's more cautious and limited voluntary interaction now. I was hanging out with friends online and letting off some steam when it was brought to my attention that the seeds I had been preparing were strewn across the floor. The little monster got into them and splatted them under the tables and chairs, through the kitchen, and halfway down the hall. Wanker.

Cleaning that up and planting the seeds that I could salvage got me out into the garden.

Did I mention that we had a record high for yesterday? 109 degrees. That's like 43 degrees Celsius. Lol, some of my new friends are Aussies.

The bottom branches of each of the tomato plants have been burnt, the strawberries are nearly toast, and the herbs are just a mess.

Gnats are mean little things too.

Sunday, August 12

Some Nights

Bit of a head cold has developed. Just enough to be annoying, lol. Here's a fun video collab I found:

"Some Nights" by FUN covered by Jake Coco & friends.

Saturday, August 11

Fight It Offf

Recovering from the past week, woke up with minimal voice and a raw throat. Gives me an opportunity to practice my sign language. :P

Didn't want to leave nothing here so sharing a video that I absolutely adore:

Paradise Fears covering Gym Class Heroes' feat. Ryan Tedder "The Fighter"
Complete with a great message and deed:

Friday, August 10

Too Many Feelings

Today has went from a bad day to worse on a physical, emotional, and mental level.

I'll get over it but am very drained and tired now. Got a minor injury on the job, no biggie but it led to something that just really ground my gears. I forgot that "grinded" is not a word.

I tried to make it through the rest of the day with my sanity in tact, got a ride home from a friend, and we sat in her truck venting for an hour about unfairly we had been treated. Honestly, she's a treasure and I look up to her for her daily struggles that she doesn't feel as if she's allowed to complain about.

FMIL and I went to our monthly Ladies' Happy Hour as soon as we got home from school. It ended up being a pretty intimate gathering and the place didn't really have many specials to offer, but it was really nice to chat and catch up.

The moment I got back, there was a virtual ambush I fell into and it did me in. I was sobbing by the end of the endeavor. Been a while since I think I've had a good cry but I guess it was really needed. I have just been such a mess, so I just want to crawl into bed, curl up, and pass out.

Thursday, August 9

Let's Get Weird

The last few nights have been full of good conversations.

Been super hot during the day, kids weren't even allowed to go out on the playground in the afternoon. Rough day for me and after raging to whomever would listen for a solid two hours- the all-nighter I accidentally pulled hit me.

And now I'm as close as I am going to get to being punch-drunk since I don't drink. In the past fifteen minutes I have been sitting at my laptop, wearing my headset, listen to YT videos, and realized I said "WHEEEE!" and even started yowling like a whiny cat. For no apparent reason. I think that's a littler weird even more because there was no context and it was only 6:30pm. >_>

Needless today, armed with this internet machine- I've re-stumbled very close to "the weird part of YouTube". That dark side where you can never "un-see" what you somehow managed to find while watching something completely harmless and very much unrelated. It seriously gets weird, bro.

I'm still in the really weird but not traumatic part. However, some of the follow videos I  am going to share may eat their way into your soul and/or brain. You have been vaguely warned. Also, they are all by Andrew Huang of SongsToWearPantsTo. I posted one of his collabs before. He's really creative with mashing up super different genres of music in unexpectedly good ways. It's truly amazing the work he's done in the last several years.


Wednesday, August 8


Was going to use this weekend to reset my crazy sleep schedule before heading back into school on Monday.

Then, I got called into work tomorrow and the day after.

So, a very early night for me and I hope not getting much sleep last night will help. Crossing my fingers.

In honor of getting back to school, here's an enlightening speech from one of the Vlogbrothers (John).

Tuesday, August 7

On Call

One of the news stations predicted that today was going to be much less humid now that the big storm had passed but that it would also reach up to 104 degrees. They were only half right.

It's been uber hot, the SO had to climb on the roof to fix the cooler and it's barely helped temperature-wise but it runs much quieter now.

However, the humidity stuck around so that renders the evaporative cooler nearly useless. Sigh.

I voice chatted with a few new gaming friends and it's nice to have that banter back in my life. Then, I jumped on a Skype call with one that really needed a friend in the moment. Truly grateful that I was able to help and be supportive.

Not much sleep for me tonight. :)

Monday, August 6

Monday Questionnaire

I doubt that this day is going to get any better, so today I'm doing another Monday Questionnaire from Amarixe.

Stole this week's photo from yesterday's blog post because I could not imagine a better one.

I love this illustration by Meghan Murphy of Kawaii Not.

I'm so proud of you, Curiosity! Welcome to Mars!

1.) Mood:  
Bitter. Not proud of that but I have just kept a consistent level of resentment and anger with me lately.

2.) Can you say the ABC's backwards without stumbling? 
Nope, it'd be very deliberate and full of contemplation.

3.) What is the closest green object to you?
My new cellphone (it's not smart) has a streak of metallic green around it's slide-out keyboard. Finally finished customizing it- well, as much as I'm going to do for now. I'm also surrounded by a few houseplants.

 4.) Current nail polish:
Bare. Managed to take off the polish mentioned last week. Couldn't decide what color I was feeling so I left them blank. Gonna start working with little kids soon anyways.

5.) What is your favorite song at the moment?
Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. I posted a cover of it a few days ago and I'm pretty obsessed with belting it out. That or Gangnam Style by PSY. That's enough for another post. XD

6.) Current outfit:
Another cotton sleeve-less sundress. It has a scoop neckline, pockets, and is bright blue with a little ruffle at the bottom. There's no way that I'm choosing to wear pants/ jeans with the evap cooler sounding like it's going to explode, burst into flames, and come crashing down through the house every time we try to turn it on. Sigh.

7.) What coverage of foundation do you prefer most: light, medium, full, or none at all?
I think I use a medium coverage the most, but would be happier with full until my acne scars fade. The majority of the time, I don't wear makeup at all. Probably should.

8.) What color are the walls of your bedroom?
A super dark gray. Not by choice, but it used to house a few angsty teenage boys who wanted it black. Yep, the brick ways and even the popcorn ceiling. We'll paint it something very nice, bright, and neutral when I move out for FMIL.

9.) What is your zodiac sign?  Do you think its characteristics represent you?
Leo. (The Lion) My birthday is less than ten days away! The only traits that I've related with was enjoying attention. Then again, I can't handle being the center for too long and I feel that I give out a lot of attention to help balance that out. I am pretty prideful too but my low confidence levels have also balanced that out through the years. 

10.) Weekly goals:
I accomplished the recipes and the household pets is a work in progress. Sleep was a fail so that continues. Digi-scrapping is a major priority this week. Looked through the two (three) albums I've finished and decided more need to be done. Want to work on my mental state too. I put way too much energy into being angry and don't want to be that type of person anymore. Praying for my patience, acceptance, and understanding to overpower the negativity in my head.

Sunday, August 5


We had a large and gusty storm pummel through this evening.

Power went in and out, our evap cooler sounded like it was going to explode, and plants were knocked over. At one point, we were a little fearful for the Palo Verde and Mesquite trees in the front yard losing large branches. Exciting, to say the least.
 Gusts went right through the yard.
 Sideways rain and yet we could see blue skies in the distance.
Once again, the garden becomes the city of Atlantis. :D

What was truly phenomenal was watching the live broadcast of the Mars Science Laboratory Project of the rover, Curiosity landing. I was tweeting (for once), updating FB statuses like mad, and then found stuff to reblog on Tumblr- first time for a live event. It was just that exciting. The household gathered around the computer to watch and I cannot wait to scrapbook that moment.

I found Curiosity's Twitter account and it was adorable and so exciting to watch! Here is a picture it tweeted of it's wheel on Mars!

I had tears in my eyes yet again and it just felt good. Just plain good. Sharing those feelings with others around the country - around the world. I haven't felt that way in a while with the crap in the world around us.

Saturday, August 4

Recovering From Stream

Went to bed well past sunrise. Oh yes.

Made sure to be one of the last to leave the virtual party once I was able to make it back in. I even made a guest "appearance" via Skype call and co-hosted the last bit of the stream. It was fun and I was glad that I could help. I was upset the whole time but having me chat with the viewers helped motivate me to be more upbeat.

I do admit I was increasingly bitter towards ignorant newcomers and party-crashers. They often put a damper on the celebration we were trying to have. Ended up pulling +300-600 viewers throughout the show. Grateful to the little community we've created in a month's time for banding together to remember the good times and answer the inane questions. They also want to protest the failure of the stream to the company, we'll see how that goes.

Was able to exchange some contact information, so I'm grateful for that too.

I am still in an irked mood at surrounding circumstances. Also, about what seems to be the general public with the ignorance, mean-spirit, and selfishness.

Also just got clawed by the kitten. Not a happy camper about that either. He misjudged a jump and tried really hard to use my calf to recover. Trying to babysit an under-stimulated and active kitten (or just plain ol' kitten) isn't the best of times.

Luckily, he's afraid of loud noises and not an idiot. It'll take a while, but he should learn the majority of things most of us are trying to teach him. We'll see about that too.

Mulling over my next project and cleaning up the remnants of my last one in the meantime.

Friday, August 3

Recipe For Disaster

I am definitely having a fit tonight.

Not sure if this post will go up on time because our internet service (even with the bill auto-paid in the past few days!) is out. Again.

I am really tired of this situation happening regularly. We've often disconnected and the bill is higher than ever. For now, it seems that this is the only company we can have in our area without digging up the yard.

Pretty PO'ed here.

Was supposed to be a part of a virtual going away party for a new friend and we were getting into the swing of things when I got disconnected completely. I can't even let my new friends know what has happened because were were organizing exchanging contact information when I disappeared.

I am going to be enraged if I miss this last chance completely. I called after two hours and they have no estimated time of reactivation. It could go on all night.

New kitten has been let out of his room for a few hours at a time now. It's wearisome to deal with a bundle of energy and teach them boundaries while trying to get stuff done. Such is life. Our cat has been braver and I am very proud of my big boy.

The only shred of good news I've had today was finishing up the heirloom recipe project that I've been going on about.

The cards are put away and labled in the metal box. I also finished assembling the title pages for each section and adding tabs.

I'm pretty darn pleased with how it turned out and moreso that it's finally done with!


I kept what fit properly in the same sections in her old recipe box.

FMIL had enough recipes that it made sense to create an extra binder for Desserts.

She has pads of 12x12 patterned paper that wasn't being used, so after I had her pick a few out, I chopped them into 8.5x11. I found clip art online to make fun but simple labels for each section and the covers.

Internet's back, Hallelujah!
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