I just dropped whatever I was doing (can't even remember what that was now) and went outside to do some work. Trimming dead plant matter, pinching off sucker branches on the tomatoes, checking to see if anything was thirsty, and weeding in and around my garden area.
It felt good.
Wasn't the most fun, but it was work and it was rewarding to me. A bit of instant gratification with pride in my little plants and how hard they've worked to hang in there this year. I need to learn more about that from them. Yeah, we may not be in the best of shape, but we're doing the best we can given the circumstances and will last until better times come along.
After, I felt refreshed enough to finish whatever else I was doing and then set down to start working on the scrapbooks again in earnest.
I have an album that's a digital representation of one I made for our kitty that's done. I'm so mad that I experimented with Mod Podge on the experimental paper bag gatefold album. It ruined it despite my attempts to make it non-stick again. That's done and decorated minus a final note from the crafter page I've been adding to all of my scrapbooks. It's not up to date in terms of kitty, but I only went as far as I had with the original album.
No progress on the monthly two-page layout album yet, but I was writing notes down based on blog posts, my planner, and the pictures I had. Also made a personal promise to not be so anal about getting those pages "just right" and focus more on getting them done.
Got back to work on that Florida album. Need to finish decorating it, convert it into a format my folks can view, tweak what I need to based on their feedback, send it off to the printers, and assemble the final product. I'm pretty sure that's the home stretch for this project but it seems so daunting! I'm around the teens but there are over fifty pages in this one to decorate. I will get it done! I will - I will - I will!
When that gets done, since it's my most daunting in size, I hope to go into a recording frenzy. Found some videos that are partly helping me stay motivated in my mission to record these memories and details but on some level makes me feel like I'm a bit of a failure to be so far behind. Gotta focus on that silver lining and positive thinking!
I'll probably share more of Becky Higgins' videos in the near future because I would love to try her products for Project Life.

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