Floors were thoroughly cleaned, living and work areas have been tidied and prepped, and supplies have been collected.
In the midst of all of that, our poor baby had the saddest of accidents. Pet-parent (just plain ole parent) alert- kitty was going Number 2 and it was softer than ideal but getting stuck via grass strands.
He was having a bad day already with dealing with the wild runt and all of the changes going on around the house. But I was cleaning things in the room when I saw him hop up onto the bed and start butt-scooting. That's not so bad because usually it's just an itch, but this was the first time he left chunks and a big ole smear on the sheets.
Oh, yes.
I yelled for some help from the SO who was in the other room finishing up his lunch that we had just come back from getting. We had to corral a very panicked and embarrassed kitty cat who was running away from us while trying to wipe his butt clean. On the floors, on the stove, and on the fridge. Sigh. Thank god we hadn't done the floors yet at that time. I managed to get the chunks that were still hanging from him, make him realize I was trying to help, bleach wipe the other surfaces, and help him get his back-end fur clean.
At least the now clean sheets are going to feel lovely tonight.
Poor baby boy. He already is disgusted with himself when everything comes out normal, but to have this happen? He was very embarrassed and super sulky for several hours afterward. We've been very cuddly. I told the SO that this was just a practice run for dealing with kids. Needless to say, he'd rather take the cat. We both agree it's a million times easier.
In other news, next week should be so full of fun mail-wise. I'm expecting a really fun package that we'll set up for a baby shower gift and my prints for the Florida scrapbook that I ordered yesterday (thanks to the Fall Sale at Persnickety Prints) are already ready to be shipped! So excited. They're such a great company. Tons of people did not enter the coupon sale code with their order and they are double-checking and refunding the difference to those customers! How awesome is that?

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