So, I'm emotionally and physically drained. Not whining, just stating a fact. ^_^ Just gonna glaze over and ignore the stress from work this time.
Like I said yesterday, my digi-scrap prints came in the mail! I was half-awake and finally checking my email to see when it may arrive. With ordering on the first day of the sale on Friday afternoon, I wasn't expecting to see the tracking code go live until Monday morning. However, I saw that it had a delivery confirmation and grabbed a flashlight to run out the front door to look for my package, lol.
I may have made the household panic a little with that freaked out rush.
Hey, I've been working on this for 13 months. Something that could have theoretically been done in about three weeks if everything had gone smoothly. That and if I had done nothing else during that time.
It's finally in my hands and tangible! Such an amazing feeling! Further rejuvenates my motivation to record more stories in a tangible manner using whatever tricks and methods I need to do so. The prints are stunning and I'd show a bit, but don't want to post personal family photos and that's pretty much the entire book.
Minor setback is that I don't have a cover or enough page protectors, but I will soon! All but 13 of the 54 pages are in their sleeves now. So awesome!
The only issue I had with the prints are user error. Between grabbing pictures off of FB and from different cameras and not using specialized photo-editing software to keep the pictures crisp when I zoomed in on faces, some photos are blurrier that ideal. On the other hand, it's what we got of those moments and you work with what you can. It's better than nothing!
I seriously just sat for a while with the box in front of me (too stunned), then with the stack of pages in front of me (too nervous), then put them into sleeves with trembling hands (too excited), and then sat holding onto them (in awe). LOL, so many emotions. I'm surprised I didn't start crying. I must still be in shock.
Will probably start sobbing from happiness once it's 100% done, cradling it in my hands.
I will not take so long to document one vacation ever again! Trying to promise this to myself. :P

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