Late last night, I could not settle down just yet and was determined to get many ideas out of my brain. Or at least get them started. What ended up happening was that I finally wrote up the story for my latest Flat Stanley adventure when he came with me to Florida back in May.
I chose which photos created the best tale and finally decided on just using a simple photo album I stocked up on last year. Each page just fits a 4x6 photo so I plan to add the caption directly on top of the photo. I already had the books, it's small enough for little hands, and it's the simplest method to getting this done. That's all ready to be assembled when I have a bit of extra money to put towards that.
Got an email that from my favorite printing company about their semi-annual sale, so I quickly uploaded the finished files from my family's Florida scrapbook in preparation. The sale is next weekend and I was thinking of printing the recently finished digi-album that I made about our kitty, but decided to save that for another time. This means I could have that album completely assembled and finished in my hands in two weeks! Incredibly excited.
Also did some research and prepared an order for a baby shower group gift, but I'll wait to reveal what that is for a little while longer. It's something that's near and dear to my own heart, so I really hope that it helps this dear lady with her bundle of joy.
I tidied up the under-bed storage to not allow for a certain curious kitten to tread into forbidden territory. Apparently, the universe feels that I need all the help I can get in lessons of patience. Practice makes near perfect. Or cat soup. I need to re-organize or at least tidy it more thoroughly soon but I figured getting a solid chunk done at a time is still good enough too.
Carried over some of that organizing mojo to setup more dividers for the few hair products I have along with things like aspirin and bandages in the drawer below my beauty supplies. Yeah, if we were not sharing a communal bathroom, I'd have all of that stuff in medicine cabinets and the like.
Working on the gathering notes for the Garden Tab now and have made the decision to scrap the monthly digi-layouts as a "priority" project. I have decided to try Project Life as soon as I have the luxury too and will include photos from 2011 and 2012.
Okay, I looked back at our album and realized that those tangibly recorded photos only go until the end of 2008. Sigh. Alright! 2009-2012 it is! Right now, I'm more excited and motivated that freaked out, lol. I can't wait to tackle this.

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