Really is like a full time job sometimes when you have... issues. I should get into that another time.
More crochet work, more reviewing of footage, impromptu and informal production meeting of sorts for brainstorming upcoming events, got tons of laundry done today, and chopped my bangs in half. XD
I would have cut off more, but I'm not completely dumb. The SO took a shaver to his head today and we'd both been talking about getting much needed haircuts together. When in Rome...
FMIL has been pretty busy too. She has been hunting for a new fridge all over town since ours has been on the fritz lately. It would not be fun for any of that to spoil. Well, anymore than it already has lately. Sigh.
After some research in-store and online, she found something she was happy with and it should be arriving tomorrow! That meant tidying up the old one and the area around it. It's a really old appliance and... it wasn't a pretty task.
I cannot wait to go to bed tonight. The clothes are all clean, I took a nice warm shower, and the sheets were washed too. It's going to be heavenly! Hope the sleep is as rejuvenating as it promises. There's someone else who has been very cuddly and spunky and enjoyed the clean sheets too.

The little prince here has loved the suddenly cool weather at night and open windows.

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