It's not so much drowning but more floundering? Okay, it's not nearly as terrible as it sounds. I guess I'm trying to say that we're more or less back to normal/typical daily stress, lol.
So I took a look at how I felt at the beginning of the month. Things didn't get much better until the past few days so I'm still in a very tentative state. Part of me feels that if I let my guard down and fully enjoy the good fortune that has come our way, that life will just backhand me hard for getting cheeky. Sigh.
I've done a pretty good job keeping up with the makeover in the room with a few worrisome spots. However, with a free weekend, I'm sure it'll all be taken care of quickly. I'm still working on making a habit of developing (in a reasonable sense) and accomplishing my daily to-do list but have done pretty well when we don't consider the unexpected surprises life tends to throw. In that way, I've managed to surprise myself. XD
Still haven't found a comfortable balance between schoolwork, chores, work, and um... more work. Just trying to make ends meet with on-call jobs. However, I've been keeping up more than ever. "Ever" being in recently recalled memory and that doesn't necessary mean a whole lot, lol.
Oye, I must be much more delirious than I thought given how goofy and disjointed my thoughts are... I just wanted to sum up that so far so good, all things considered, doing better than expected but I'm on the brink of being overwhelmed completely (I'm sure), I still need to scrapbook about January but I did start making a list of events that will be included in the layout, and I only have 350 pictures left to edit online! Woohoo! That means I've done over 1000 (not including the ones I've deleted for whatever reason) so it means a lot to me. After that big step I have the big choice of tackling the task of relinking or fixing the picture links here on the blog OR starting to tackle the epic summer family scrapbook again. I took a break when I realized how screwed up my online picture storage was here. Or rather I freaked out and couldn't focus on anything else for at least two days and then kept on going.
If I'm going to get some sleep tonight, I need to stop thinking about that crossroad right now. : )

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