I don't know how much I'm liking this schedule thing. XD
As part of my goal to get myself onto some sort of track as opposed to constantly wandering the off-beaten path, I've tried to work on different tasks for specific amounts of time.
Digi-scrap for at least 35 minutes but no more than 2 hours a day because I have one big book to make for my family, one small personal booklet, and then there's that whole goal of scrapping a layout once a month thing. If I know I want to blog or scrap about something, I take specific pictures and make detailed notes (that include times and names). It's very a tedious process to muddle through.
There's doing research. I could spend my entire lifetime just look up techniques and ideas but what's the point if I never use them? Or retain them on my own, for that matter. I'm not allowed to avidly research anything for more than 45 minutes. By that time my eyes feel like they are going to melt out of my skull or I want to bash my head into a wall after chucking my laptop out a window. Don't deny it, technology can make you feel the same way too, lol.
Spending time with the SO, spending time in the garden, spending time tidying up and/or cleaning, spending time making something around the house better, spending time to blog, spending time to work on my crafting business, and the biggest kicker about these has been making sure I clean up immediately afterwards no matter how tired I am.
No more letting unfinished projects pile up until they fall over in a heap of... who knows what.
Another big thing I'm trying to change about my habits is limiting myself to a maximum of three major projects at a time. I'm not allowed to start any new ones. Right now I'm focusing a lot of time on digital scrapbooking, my Stampin' Up! crafting, and putting the finishing touches on my new room layout. Well, working on a blog in some form. What I'm not starting up is a cute scarf that I want to crochet really badly because it's a string of buttered toast. Weird concept but seriously adorable. It's kind of killing me to reign my whims in. >_<
So here I am, after forcing myself to stop looking up ideas and procrastinating to sit down and make something. Unfortunately, when I wing crafting, I take ages to create an idea. However, it was a good attempt and I'm sitting here with ink and adhesive all over my fingers and four cards made. They are nothing special but it's good to make a habit out of stocking up on some sort of project to post about on my other blog.
I don't think I've discussed it for a while because I like to keep my personal stuff (this blog) from my work stuff (the other blog). However, there have been exciting things in the works. It's almost done. I've redone tags, updated more, there are exciting promotions starting up this month, refined links, and have been working with my amazing friend Dana (check out her Facebook fanpage here: daynuh designs) to create a new banner, icons, and signature.
I'll be posting the projects I've been working on that are related to SU! there a few days before posting them here (if I decide to share them at all!) so, if you like looking at those projects, please check out my Stampin' Up! blog.
I'm working on learning how to take better and more consistent photos of my work too so another way that the site will visually improve. As always, please let me know if you have any crafty questions! If I don't already know, then I can sure as heck try to find out the answer!
:( I should probably start cleaning up my paper mess now. I just swiped a patterned paper scrap off of my elbow that I didn't realize was there.
Oh! Sidenote. The cake pops where delivered and a success today. I'm still a little surprised and greatly amused by the fact that I was actually hired for something food related. No, I have not missed my calling. Make no mistake about that! XD

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