Just a quick update before I get back into that. My arts and crafts workshop is this weekend so I'm very excited about that. The big annual promotional event has started and there's quite a bit of free stuff involved if you want to check that out (My Other Blog). So I'm getting enough projects and samples created for that while doing my homework (halfway through this class already!) and working on a classroom website.
There's going to be a district computer makeover soon (theoretically) with tons of upgrades but Mr. Tech at our school and I have our skeptical doubts about how quickly and comprehensively the new changes will be for our school. So we're making out own plans for backing up and creating the websites for each and all of the teachers just in case. It would be kind of lame to be proud to be a somewhat tech-savvy school and have the teachers unable to make any changes to their websites for the rest of the school year. Yeah.
So, I'm working on a prototype website that we'll test out. By trying to stick to the very basics, I'm creating webpages from my old version Microsoft Office (the school will actually end up with a newer version than mine!) and that includes each subsection page. I'll end up uploading them to the district's server for storage that will still work throughout this revamp and... then we hope that everything will be dandy. It won't, but that's the goal. :P Oh, and creating all the links too.
Next week there's Groundhog's Day (can you believe we've already made it past 100 days of school this year as of this week?), the annual Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle that I volunteered to help prepare for, the SO's birthday, and then the Superbowl. Fun fun!
Technology is really a double-edged sword. It's a blessing and a curse. On one hand it is so much fun, convenient, easy, and quick. Then... it makes you want to hurt things. So many things. Yet, we can't seem to stop. So, here I go!

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