It was a pretty laid back class because it is the Friday before a long weekend for the students so that was a blessing. There was an assembly mid-morning that featured some of the local state university's wheelchair athletes. We had most of the classes attend and it was such a cool demonstration and I am very proud of our kids for being very naturally (with some good training) open-minded, accepting, and curious in a positive manner.
My top three moments (in no particular order and it was hard to choose) were when the two rugby players smashed into each other to demonstrate how tough their sports wheelchairs were for their particular activity. They were really like tanks and it made one of the most satisfying heavy plastic against heavy plastic *THUNK*s ever. And they bashed into each other pretty decently. The kids loved it too.
During a quick "Q&A" session towards the end, one little boy was called upon to ask his question and the only thing he said was, "You guys rock!" There was a hearty cheer and round of applause from everyone in agreement.
At the end of the assembly, the main presenter, the coach of the wheelchair-basketball team, announced that every child in attendance that desired to, was going to be able to try out a wheelchair in a short relay race. They had so much fun, it was definitely an eye-opener for many of the kids, and in the end they were more curious as to how it felt rather than competing.
I was very proud of the kids, impressed with the presenters, and the faculty wholeheartedly voted for this demonstration to be an annual event. Nearly all of the students and staff acknowledged knowing someone in a wheelchair. That even surprised me a little, but it shouldn't. It was a shame that when the event was originally organized, it was to also help our small school's three wheelchair users. However, two were siblings that recently suddenly moved and the other had been absent all week! I have had the honor of having the opportunity to work with all three of these students in a relatively short time and they are just... feisty. Lol. I think they would have especially enjoyed the battering ram rugby players. XD
Our little school was also featured on the evening news tonight on two stations because a military father had just returned from a year-long deployment in a war zone last night and he surprised his little first-grade daughter today. It was incredibly touching, of course. He was there with other family members, she had no idea he was back, but we had all known it was coming, and when she and her class came back in from lunchtime... he was waiting for her with open arms. Ugh. The tears. I'm tearing up now, it never fails to instantly get to me. That's reason enough alone to never want to go to war, as vengeful of a person I can be, how could you tear apart love like that?
Sorry that I'm a bit more wishy-washy than usual. After FMIL and I got a little settled down and freshened up, we did make it to our monthly Ladies' Night get-together with a few friends at the Italian restaurant. The happy hour prices were so good, the food was great, and it did make up for the somewhat prolonged wait. We have been looking forward to this evening for at least a week, but pining about it for pretty much the entire month. Next month's location has already been picked out, lol. However, I have been in such a food coma since leaving the past few hours have just flown by and I'm not sure what I've done. Or it could be my sleep deprivation. You know. :P
I should probably go to sleep now but I'll probably stubbornly attempt to start a few more paper-crafting projects, accept that it hurts to be conscious, and then drag my sorry butt to bed. :)

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