Kitty and I have not been very good at switching it up with our schedules today and when we have, we've spazzed out on high-alert for no apparent reason.
I've trimmed down my online blog photo storage down to +1300 with about 645 edited. I'm about halfway through! Woohoo! Then I have to go back and fix links and such in every post in my blog since the very beginning. Oh boy, am I looking forward to that leg of the journey. :P
The best news about that is I'm using up less than 45% of my allotted free storage space so I can definitely kick it up with safely posting photos here again! On that note, I don't have any to share yet. XD I'm about to start working on some paper-crafting ideas for an upcoming workshop... I hope I don't hit a crafter's block. >_<
This weekend should produce some fun pictures or at least memories. Tomorrow, I have been called into work so I can get quite a few things done at school, then FMIL and I come home and need to get ready for our friend's monthly ladies' night-happy hour. It's at a local Italian restaurant that I've been wanting to try and just haven't gotten around to doing so yet. The weekend is probably going involve me starting to go crazy with preparing samples and materials for the upcoming workshop and on Monday (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day), the SO and I are going to meet traveling family friends across town at a botanical garden for a nice lunch and walk.
Should probably stop procrastinating and get to work, lol.

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