Today was downright blissful, all things considered. I heard how much my efforts have been appreciated, helped a friend get out of the building so she could head off on a surprise trip to NYC this weekend, and rushed home to run errands before heading out to the monthly ladies' happy hour.
Let's skim over the fact that I yet again had everything but my debit card when we got to the bank for the third time in the past six weeks. I had been doing so well for a few months too. :( But, grocery shopping got done and then FMIL and I ran out to finish her errands before making it to the restaurant.
Another fun intimate gathering that was slightly dampened when we realized we wouldn't get the happy hour discount because we did not sit down in the bar area. Sigh. Either way, we bit the bullet and I have so many leftovers to last me this long weekend.
9: I'm grateful for appetizers. Not every day has to be
philosophically-based, right? They're delicious, used to be cheaper, I
can eat them with my hands, and there's hardly any shame in being
surrounded by 8 different plates because of the portion-sizes. My inner
fat child has ruled me today. It was another wonderful Ladies' Happy
Back to my walk yesterday. It was impromptu. I had planned to do another walk soon and I knew I would be inspired to try again yesterday I would've done something like... I don't know... make sure my phone was completely charged since my battery meter is a lying jerk? Yup. It's not like me at all to ever let my phone die too, let alone during a time when I could really need it.
So, I started walking right after finishing my lunch and that led me to feeling a little green under the gills. Wanted to try a new route that the SO showed me on Google Maps Street View that had more sidewalks/ built paths and less interaction with head-on traffic, even if it was physically longer. It was a warm day, but there was a cold front coming in today with 25mph wind gusts and the promise of rain.
I was so excited to walk on this part-gravel, part-paved path! Was catching up with my baby brother and my mom on the phone and this was just before I realized that I took a wrong turn and was lost. It wasn't because of being distracted, I would have made this mistake without them too.
This was the snake I almost ran face-first into while looking downward to avoid walking on broken glass. I have a feeling it was a dead one that was dropped in the tree by a predatory bird.
My brother was trying to look up directions to confirm the mistake I thought I had made and in the middle of verbally correcting it, my phone died. Sigh. I made many wrong turns that day.
Happy feeling is gone.
Actually, this wasn't so bad since the dirt path was worn.
At the end of that path was this steep miniature cliff that I had to slide down from to get onto a bike path to walk on. That odd blue-ish thing near the bottom left of the picture was a chunk of wing. Hope that wasn't from a coyote/ bobcat nearby.
I got lost at least twice more- kept making the mistake of turning to walk down any street name that I recognized. Eventually made it to an intersection I knew and realized how off course I was. It was pretty much near my original route where there were little to no more paths for me to walk on- just desert or road.
Borrowed the phone of a corner store and called the SO for a ride after
my defeat. So disappointed with myself for failing so hard. I bought one of my favorite smoothie drinks while I waited for him in the shade with my jello-legs.
Got some more fluids in me, cried a little, and tried to curl up under my covers for a nap. Kitty took great pity on me and cuddled with me whether I wanted to or not. Then, he confiscated my jacket. Between him and his dad (the SO), I don't know if I would have smiled that evening.
I know I should give myself some credit, like an B+/ A- for effort, and I'm alive... but all I can really think about is how disappointed I am in myself for my fears and shortcomings yesterday. Today going so relatively well did cheer me up quite a bit.