I haven't done much else besides go through the motions of chores and normal living. At least, not much more that I remember doing. Thank goodness for the SO keeping a closer eye on me than normal. I started counting down the days until I could get some sleep again. After being eaten alive by bugs throughout the week, I caved and took half of an antihistamine and passed OUT in the middle of my bed with one hand on the mouse in the middle of doing something on my laptop. Oye, my nerd-dom.
There is something that I had to share from my week at school. I had a mild freak out midway through class when I saw these because I had forgotten about these things that had played such a big part of my childhood.

The flashbacks.
This made me so happy to see. I remember spending hours in our basement den tracing these stencils, drawing in the details, and then coloring my pictures in. There were more but these are some that I remembered the most. I also learned that they were once a part of some promotional sets from Tupperware. So much love.
I feel a little guilty about not actively posting about my garden. With the re-write, I realized that I may have put a little too much detail 60% of the time and was burnt out. This week also made me feel like a plant killer. :( That all aside, this milestone is worth the mention!

The peppers each have peppers growing up to one inch in length so far!
Little ones from Slytherin.
For scale. I can't wait until they start to ripen!

Gryffindor currently has the biggest pepper.

Slytherin's new branch has flowered!

Ravenclaw has suddenly put all of its energy into flowering consistently.

Hufflepuff is doing a little bit of everything the others are doing.
The cherry tomatoes have really benefited from being outdoors and fed.
Oh! We've named them! I keep forgetting to post that. They are named after the Disney Channel show: "Phineas and Ferb."

Oh! We've named them! I keep forgetting to post that. They are named after the Disney Channel show: "Phineas and Ferb."

They've gotten so big and wonky. We're currently brainstorming ideas on how to remedy this.

With the intense storms that I wrote about last week (they're probably gone for good now) and the ants invading my garden, I decided to "cheat" a little and replant the herbs that had yet to sprout. Luckily, it has worked so far!

I'm thinning them out a little early.

I've planted more, it takes a little longer but I've seen some promising signs!

I'm so glad that these have done well after transplanting them here from the separate pot.

It's at least twice as big as anything else in the box and sprouted first.

It's a relief to see that the second try has been successful thus far. Keep going!

I had to thin these out a lot too.

If you squint you can see the beginning's of my second go way in the back!

I moved these one inch over because they had settled into Sage's spot and they are recovering well.

In the spots that are a bit bare, I also added more seeds so I'm hoping to see full rows soon.

At least, I think it's mostly Thyme, some of these seedlings look a lot like the weeds that I've been plucking out of my garden.

These first three have a healthy set of second leaves already!

The smaller pot is full of Ghost Pepper seeds and there's a tiny Jalapeño in the big Terracotta colored pot.

We're trying pretty hard to think of good names for them.

Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. :D
That's all for now. I'm still trudging along with the recipe project. We picked up some Mod-Podge and acrylic spray for archiving purposes. I am having a hard time getting the paste to not show brush marks even though I'm applying it with a foam brush. Sigh. It'll all be worth it someday. See you soon! <3
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