Due to another mean bug bite attack, I've been up all day after another sleepless night and chugging along on empty. I do have a few pictures from the past day or so that I wanted to share but I realize that have almost too many pictures of the sunset and of kitties. However, they never cease to make me smile just a little no matter how my day has gone so I hope to share some of that joy with you. It's because I care that I inundate you with these images. :D
First up are my new seedlings. I'm just assuming that a mere three days after, that these are the special parsley sprouting up all fast and wonky.

The poor things there parallel to the ground reaching for the sunlight, so I turned them around to try to even them out.

With all of this rain we've finally got, these lilies came out to say, "Hello!"

A stormy sunset leads to some interesting colors.

This is what the backyard looks like thanks to the orange sunset behind us.

Look at that lilac purple!

I don't think I've seen such a distinction between the purple and pinks since I've lived here. It was so pretty.

Everything just looked softer as the breeze came in ahead of the rain.

I woke up to something pretty darn tragic in the garden. (Yum, diluted coffee water to ward off the bugs.)

One half of the new growth from pink-brown snail broke off! (No, I haven't named them yet.)

I strongly suspect one of the kitties tried to bulldoze their way through the pepper plants to try to assault Lucy the Lucky Bamboo. Sigh.

I've moved the tray into the sunlight much sooner than I had planned to because there are two tomato plant seedlings emerging while the parsley is going nuts.

I was called into the kitchen by the SO to see this:

What do you smell in there? Is it a critter?!

If it is, you better get him!

Guess not?

Maybe it's in this cabinet...

What on earth is all that racket??

What are you doing??

Oof! You try to get it! - Fine, I'll take a look.

Are you done yet?? - Just gimme a minute, I think I see it!

That's it! Move OVER!

You scared it off! I don't see it.

Yeah, as hilarious as that was to watch for ten minutes (I tried to get some video but the lighting was pretty bad), none of found what was going on in there. The SO even tried to stick his head in and look around after he swears he heard some scritch-scratching. Guess what we're going to be doing this weekend? Going through all the cabinets that we use as a pantry! Hooray! Sigh, ugh, lol.
I think I need to go make myself some coffee or something. Everything seems to be going at a slowed pace. I'll see you soon! <3
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