This week was on the later end of the time frame given for most of the new crops to make an appearance, so I was getting a bit anxious. I figured if we couldn't find anything by the weekend, I'd replant the seeds if possible. Well, good news, we had a handful of appearances overnight!

These are the beans and more keep popping up each day!
We've spotted at least 6 so far.

These are the peas that pop up with a plethora of leaves.
There are 8 sprouts in this picture!

Uncovered some Serrano chillies today too!
Only in one pot so far so I added what seeds we had left in the other one.

This is the Tarragon that has come back to live that I unintentionally uprooted not too long ago. Whoops!
It's sprouting at least 3 new plants from the original.

This is Gryffindor finally starting new leaf growth at nearly every knob.
You can see the sad state of what leaves it has left from last year.
Slytherin is pretty much doing the same thing as well while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff haven't shown any forward progress. There were also appearance in one (out of two) of the Big Boy Tomato pots, actually three sprouts that have appeared overnight. There is one little cherry tomato seedling that also came up overnight too. We're all getting pretty excited to meet and greet this year's crop. I'm crossing my fingers that progress continues. Still waiting on Basil, Oregano, Chives, Stevia, and more Lettuce. I temporarily succeeded growing them all last year but am aiming for substantial plants this time.
Alright, I'm off to finish prepping this slow-roasted pork shoulder and wrap up a few more projects so we can see the table top again. :P

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