It's not even 9:30pm and I'm ready for bed already. Volunteered at school today and finished the front display (hooray!) before the workroom became sweltering hot.

Probably not winning any beauty contests, but it's full of kids' artwork and done!
Flat Stanley went to college and around neighborhoods.

He even went to Disneyland and Chuck E. Cheese's.

He went to the county fair and has his own website (that a family made) after his trip to Mexico and Texas. Yeah- whoa.

The SO and I went to get long overdue haircuts today. He convinced me to take it a step or two further by getting shampooed there too. There was extra stuff too but I have no idea what happened, it just sounded good at the time. As you can tell, I've never done anything like this before. My stylist was very nice and patient with my newbie-ness and gave me tips along the way. She gave me this really firm head massage, but I'm such an anxious person and I was super inwardly freaking out because of this foreign experience that I was very uptight and tense. It helped, but I'm sure it was a bit frustrating for her.
Not that I wasn't cooperating as best as I could but... yeah. I'm a wreck, lol. So, we cut off a few inches and layered my hair. She even blow-dried and use some products in my hair to give me ideas of things that I could do, especially for my visit to Florida next month. I have thick hair that already poofs up whenever I get a haircut on top of testing up volumizing products so... I'm a mess right now. More than usually. However, I am super relieved to have gotten it done after trying to maul my hair on my own last month and reaching the point where typical hair ties were not enough to put my hair up in. I've had to stretch out headbands to get my hair to fit. Sigh.
With the cloud cover, I snagged the chance to get out and plant what seeds that I still had available. My cilantro has been done, I didn't have any more Poblano seeds, Stevia hasn't appeared, there was the one jalapeño plant that was snapped by the wind, my baby Basil has been eaten, and the peas were burnt to a crisp. We'll see what ends up in those pots.
The other day, while FMIL and I were at the the craft store for the hundredth time, we found the cutest little figurines to use in class. It's the same company that makes the detailed hand-painted animal figurines that I also adore.

The growth of a green bean plant! How perfect is that?

And here are some of the terrariums one of the classes have assembled and planted with succulents and grass seeds.

This is just reaffirming my obsession with plants. XD

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