We actually reached 101 degrees.
Yeah, we could have done without that.
It's been lingering and the various cooling systems in the area have struggled to figure themselves out. We can turn them on and be freezing for 45 minutes at the most because shutting them off to save power (or toes) and be sweating within five. It's a bit frustrating and very uncomfortable.
I brought in my Flat Stanley goes to the nursery display and the kids loved it. My job today required me to run around school a lot and the first graders would spot me and compliment my work. It was so sweet of them! I'm really proud of it but it makes it thousands of times better that they genuinely enjoyed it. I hope they found it informative as well.
Worked on the front display with some of the materials that the kids have finished making. We hope to center it around the Flat Stanley projects that one class is doing (and were supposed to turn in today >_>) with travel-themed decor from another class. They made little posters of stamps, postcards, suitcases, and flags. I'll make sure to take a picture of it when I'm done. It's my first time doing something so big in a really long time and I'm a bit nervous about doing the kids justice. This is going to be one of the first things people will see during open house next month! That's not too far away! Some families may have taken this project a little too far and sent their Flat Stanleys to Mexico and places like Florida with relatives. Which is one of the usual things to do with Flat Stanley... Over the summer... Oh boy, lol.
We also had a volunteer breakfast today. It was a Mexican-food catered meal with fresh fruit and juice for all of those staff and community members that go the extra mile for our school. I always love going. You bet I shoved food in my mouth before rushing off to meet the kids. I don't know how they manage to organize events like these while still doing everything else it takes to keep the school running smoothly. My hat's off to them!
To make up for not much around here visually, I did do another quick vlog about what the heat has done to the garden. It makes me a sad panda.

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